Lunch + Sniff: Great Afternoon Fun


Post by Portia


One of the things that we really like to do here in Sydney is organise to meet up with mates and share some happy sniffing times. Over lunch, a cuppa or even an alcoholic beverage should the atmosphere be conducive we sniff and chatter, gossip and parse. No one else ever quite gets the excitement of a vintage find or an extravagant splurge. It’s really nice to be able to use the vocabulary of scent with people who speak it.

Lunch + Sniff: Great Afternoon Fun

Something else super fun about having a lunch + Sniff is that you get to try things previously off your radar, out of your price range or so far out of your personal comfort zone and all at no cost other than a spot of lunch. There’s also the fun of meeting someone else who adores that thing your other friends would prefer you not wear, a scent twin, a J.F. Schwarzlose Berlin, Knize, DIOR, Humiecki & Graef or vintage Rochas Femme aficionado. The thrill of hanging out with someone else who even knows what you mean when you say these things is undeniable. Lately I have been quite lucky and over the holiday period have had two chances to Sniff + Lunch.

Both days were spent in the Art Gallery of NSW Members Lounge. I love it there, food is cheap, comfortable seating and they let us spray (Except one day when we fumigated the place with vintage Ungaro Diva) to our hearts content. Currently the walls are hung with about 12 Lloyd Rees paintings that would usually be kept in the vaults, they change the Members Lounge exhibition regularly and it’s always interesting pieces unseen in the main gallery areas.

Sonya Scott Portia Art Gellery NSW Dec 2015
Scott, Sonya and I are catching up pre-Christmas and smelling vintage CHANEL, Nina Ricci, Guy Laroche and a few others. Sonya & I are so busy it’s rare that we get a chance to chat properly and it was terrific fun. We all discussed fragrance and our addiction to both the scents and the shopping for them, kids, jobs, family, home and the upcoming Christmas festivities. Besides the catch up stuff it was also really good to listen to Scott & Sonya chat fragrance, their noses and ability to parse are well above mine and it’s always instructional to listen to them when they strike fragrant gold.

Tim Portia Art Gellery NSW Dec 2015
Here Tim and I smelling the newest Dawn Spencer Hurwitz fragrances, vintage DIOR & CHANEL and some of the early Oliver & Co fragrances. Tim is an avid enthusiast and his fragrance sniffing history is more the menswear reals so I like to bring him some unusual, interesting and vintage stuff. We spend most of the time laughing. It was really fun getting our first sniff of the new DSH lines together, his assistance invaluable in helping me understand the different levels of fragrance held within their gorgeous folds. Yes, there will be a couple of reviews in the near future.

Do you ever get to spend Sniff + Lunch time? It’s so worth it and you learn a LOT more in company.
Can’t find any perfumistas in your area? Try the facebook fragrance boards, here are three of my favourites: Australian Fragrance Network, Facebook Fragrance Friends or Peace, Love & Perfume. You could also start a Meet-Up group in your area, you’ll be surprised how many people nearby are into fragrance.

Who has too many friends? Nobody. Imagine spending some time once a month, or every couple of months, with people who get you…… Be the change you want to see in the new year. Make 2016 the year you connect with some fumies in real life.
Portia xx


10 thoughts on “Lunch + Sniff: Great Afternoon Fun

  1. What a great idea, Portia! There aren’t any existing meetups in my area so I’m either going to start one or start a group at the university where I work. There’s another fumie in my department so we can put our heads together. I’m so excited! (and I just can’t hide it…)
    Much aloha,


    • Woo Hoo Fifi,
      Do it. If the two of you start a meetup and it gets busy one day I’ll come and chat with you all like I’m doing at the Perfume Lovers London later this month.
      I’ve always wanted to visit Hawaii.
      ‘Portia x


      • Haha Portia, I’d like to visit Hawaii too, especially right now when it’s freezing in Seattle where I live. I’ve got a Hawaiian family background, that’s why I use aloha, it reminds me of when I lived there years ago. Maybe I’ll win the bazillions tonight and then we’ll all pack up and do a fumie convention in aloha-land. Fingers crossed.


        • Aha! You TRICKED me Fifi.
          Good one.
          Seattle is also on the list. There are a bunch of you PNWers that I would like to see on their home soil.
          Portia xx


  2. Thank you gorgeous for including me in your lunch and sniff schedule. It was loads of fun and it really cheered me up in my difficult time.

    You have a kind soul and a huge heart. Thank you again.

    XXX… T

    PS. It’s so surreal to see my face on your post.


    • HA HA HA! I didn’t even ask, did I? Sorry mate. You’ve been papped by the fragerazzi.
      I love our sniffy get togethers, you teach me so much.
      Portia xx


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