Day to Day Perfumes (My Dailies)


Kate Apted


Hey there, APJers!

I had to go to trade school for 3 years as part of my apprenticeship. The guys in my class were the best thing about my time as an apprentice. They would talk about their cars, but more specifically, their dailies. It is their short hand for the cars they use on a daily basis; the ones they don’t invest lots of time and money in as a hobby, but are functional and reliable.

Day to Day Perfumes (My Dailies)

I have a selection of scents I call my dailies. I can wear these at any time, to any place and I know they will work. They are beautiful and well loved in their own right, yet I know I can call on them without having to worry about my emotional attachment (or lack of) to them. They provide a sweet ride without maintenance or expectation.


Photo by Kate Apted of her favourite daily fumes.

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Pica = Digressional Food Cravings


Kate Apted


Welcome APJ family to the end of February. Already!

This post is about a strange phenomenon generally associated with pregnancy. It is called pica and refers to a desire to eat, or drink, things that are not traditonal food items. I think, in my case, it is tied to my nutritional deficiencies.


Three beautiful and well loved scents that give me pica symptoms. Blue Lotus, Jardins de Bagatelle and Mon Guerlain.

Pica = Digressional Food Cravings

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