Hello Everyone,

It’s interesting to me that people can not see how beautiful they are. This three minute movie inspired me to share with you all, because you are all beautiful. We are all beautiful, and so lucky to have life. It’s rude for us not to squeeze every drop of joy out of it that we can. Self worth and self respect,

DOVE Real Beauty TheIdeasLabPhoto Stolen TheIdeasLab


Portia xx

DOVE Real Beauty Sketches

13 thoughts on “WE ARE BEAUTIFUL

  1. Oh, Portia. This made me cry. We are all so very hard on ourselves. Why is it so hard to believe the best about ourselves but not the worst? I really admire Dove and the work they are doing to improve the self-esteem of young girls. If we all grew up believing in ourselves, how much better would the world be? Thanks for posting this….


    • Sorry Kandice to make you cry. I agree wholeheartedly that many young girls are not given enough tools to lead a comfortable life, being happy with who they are and able to make choices that best suit them. Yes, DOVE is doing great work.
      Portia xx


  2. What a great ad campaign and you have written such beautiful words to accompany it in this post. Yes, we are all beautiful and so fortunate and blessed to have the opportunity to enjoy it … and enjoy it we must. Thank you, Portia. Xox


  3. We live in a world where many of us allow ourselves to feel pushed and pressured by the media as to how we SHOULD look. We know it’s crap, but it is deeply ingrained, regardless of age. This is especially true for women, but men are catching up. It is the light that shines within us, our God given spirits that make us what we are. Nevertheless it’s a constant battle for many, myself included. Thanks for the posting Portia. It’s what I woke up to. Inspiring.
    Bussi. xxx


  4. Thanks for the pep talk. Most days I think I’m barely average, never mind beautiful. I’m pretty hard on myself. Once in a while I have an “I feel pretty” day but often it’s a struggle. It’s tough to change your thinking on this stuff even when you know it’s silly and unhealthy. It’s great that there are ad campaigns like this.


    • Hey Poodle,
      I think it’s hard to be born a girl even, and especially, today. All the forward moves of liberation giving a false sense of as yet unrealised change. Add to that the constant need to “Keep Up” and “Upkeep” that is bombarding people every single day then it is hard to walk your own line, or be less than the perfection we see so much of.
      Unfortunately nobody takes the time to tell young people that being yourself and true to that is a struggle worth fighting.
      Portia xx


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