Olfaction and Personality Survey

Hey There Fragrant Peoples,

Today I have something quite interesting that you may like to do. My mate Matthew is a student and he is studying Olfaction and Personality as an Honours Student and he is doing a survey to help with his Thesis. You can do the survey by clicking on the link.


The study takes approximately 15 minutes to complete, can be accessed from any computer using any browser, doesn’t require a download and can be accessed through some smartphones and tablets (it’s trial and error – the website says yes to iPhones, iPads etc but maybe not to some Android phones).

survey UPennPhoto stolen UPenn

Here is Matthew’s standard letter (slightly edited):

My name is Matthew Lukjanenko and I am a Psychology Honours student under the supervision of Dr Mem Mahmut at Macquarie University in Sydney (mem.mahmut@mq.edu.au) completing my thesis this year on olfaction and personality. I am interested in whether people who have a keen sense of smell, by profession or through interest, have differing scores of certain personality traits when compared with the general public. This is an online study and can be completed anonymously. The study should take no longer than 10-15 minutes and will involve completing online questionnaires. If you complete the study you can elect to enter into a draw to win one of three $20 iTunes cards which will be drawn in late October 2013.
Below is the link to the study



Please feel free to share the link with your colleagues or anyone you might think suitable to participate.

Thank you for your time.


The study will provide useful information regarding the differences in how thoughts and emotions are processed and expressed between those with a keen interest in fragrances and those without.
I am hoping to recruit as many people as possible, there are no exemptions.
If people choose to participate, they will need to do so by Monday 22 July 2013.
I appreciate your help.
Matt 🙂
Survey AlpICTPhoto Stolen AlpICT

I appreciate your help too. This is one of the things EvieC and I hoped to do with AustralianPerfumeJunkies, grow perfume knowledge and awareness. Here is the link again,


We have an interview with Matthew later today where Jordan River asks a lot of the questions you may have.

Go to it,
Portia xx

12 thoughts on “Olfaction and Personality Survey

  1. I’m interested to learn the results of that survey (and had never considered before that there could be a link between my musical background and my love of fragrance.)

    I did have to look up “tertiary” to find out what level of education that meant.


    • You must call it something else then in Canada, yes? I think anything creative will lead to other creative endeavours. Even enjoying and immersing yourself in others creations is beautiful sometimes, for me anyway.
      Nice to have you back. all safe and sound?
      Portia xx


      • Oh yes, much improved for the get-away. It’s amazing how pine trees, clear blue sky, sparkling lakes perfect for swimming and mountains in every direction do wonders for the soul.

        In Canada “tertiary” would be called a post-secondary education, or a university degree.


  2. The survey asked for my level of education, and the word used instead of post-secondary was tertiary, which I’d never heard before, so I looked it up.

    And yes, holidays are wonderful. 🙂


  3. Hi Portia
    Just took the survey, it was interesting. But I am not sure about how reliable the findings will be. As a researcher, I did wonder if the questions asked really matched emotions to the fragrances one likes. Was there a test study done on a smaller group to test out the accuracy of the questions or their relevancy? Just asking it is not a criticism, since research like perfume is very individual.


      • Hi Portia :
        The survey questions were interesting , as I previously stated . I would like to see if age and the occupations listed, as well as the sports questions have or the results show significant preference of fragrances one preferred. I guess the researcher in me comes out once and a while, old habits die hard! Lol.


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