Boy by Olivier Polge for CHANEL Les Exclusifs 2016


Post by Anne-Marie


Hi all,

it’s Anne-Marie here with a question: how much does the season influence your daily fragrance choice?

My answer: quite a lot. Generally, it’s winter fragrances for me in the winter and summer in the summer.

I would not dream of stepping out of the house on those winter mornings when the temp struggles to even reach zero in a summer eau de cologne. Conversely, warm orientals and ambers stifle me in summer, like a jacket I long to fling off.

But there are exceptions. It’s winter where I live and today was probably the most miserable day we have had so far: wet, windy and cold. I wore Chanel Boy.

Boy by Olivier Polge for CHANEL Les Exclusifs 2016

Seasonal Somersaults! Do You Wear The Weather?

Boy Chanel Chanel FragranticaFragrantica

Fragrantica gives these featured accords:
Lavender, rose, lemon, grapefruit, rose geranium, orange blossom, sandalwood, heliotrope, vanilla, musk

Is Boy a summer or a winter fragrance? It’s a fougère with notes including lavender, grapefruit, and lemon, and that sounds pretty cologne-ish to me. Normally I’d keep this kind of thing for warm weather. But those cool, fresh notes can sometimes be welcome in the winter. You know those days when you tire of overheated rooms and heavy layers? You open a window, or step out into the rain, and revel in the rush of cold air against you face and in your lungs.

In Boy there is also a contrasting warmth to the base (musk, vanilla, sandalwood). I’m only just getting acquainted with it but so far I’m thinking that Boy may be one of the most versatile fragrances I own.

Boy CHANEL Alexey Ivanov Rain FlickrFlickr

The rain was belting down when I left work this evening. I had to catch two buses instead of one, and I missed my final stop because I had been too busy reading. Darn! I struggled home with an inside out umbrella, leaking shoes, and the sole nearly off one shoe. Flap flap flap.

What did I do when I got home? More Chanel Boy, of course!

Further reading: Now Smell This and Bl’eauog
CHANEL Beauty, Fashion and some large Department Stores. We go to David Jones
CHANEL Online in the USA

What about you? Do you match cool notes with warm days, and vice versa? Or do you spritz merrily at whatever takes your fancy?
Bye for now!

20 thoughts on “Boy by Olivier Polge for CHANEL Les Exclusifs 2016

  1. Hey Anne-Marie.
    I more or less wear what I want when I want.
    There areca couple if exceptions. I prefer Bois des Iles and Equistrius in cooler months. Orientals and vanillas I much prefer in the heat.
    But really? Who cares. I cannot wait for Boy. I keep saying that, but I have a fixed Boy date now. August 4th. ? Bussis. xxxx


    • I don’t know that one but it sounds delish. Just the word ‘Zeste’ cheers me up on the bleak winter day, where it;s raining again.


  2. I’m with you, Anne Marie. I enjoy the seasonal rotation: in the summer and winter I get to revisit old friends! And make new ones, too. I think Boy will be one of those when I finally get to smell it.

    There are a few perfumes I can wear for three seasons, like Eau Premiere. Philosykos is the only one (I think) that I can wear all year round without regrets.


    • Yes indeed, I can wear EP in just about any weather, same with the original No 5. Philosykos is terrific!


  3. Hi Anne-Marie,
    We never know what we are going to get around here for weather. This summer has been nice and cool but last year was hellish. Boy sounds lovely but I have not been actively searching for him. I imagine he will come my way sooner or later. And now, as long as the cool onshore flow maintains, I won’t have to reach for the 1870 Borsari Acqua Classica or Marie Amalia. Every scent works for me this summer!
    Azar xx


  4. Hey there Anne-Marie,
    Boy is excellent. Easy, fun, wearable and classic. No boundaries were pushed but Boy does it plushly.
    Portia xx


  5. Hi Anne-Marie, wearing Boy right now, it’s become my default summer frag this year! As Portia said, easy to wear, feels very classic, and just plain lovely!


    • Yes, there is a slight soapy element in Boy I agree. It comes with the old fougere, barber shop-y vibe. I don’t mind it, but I’m glad it’s only mild.


  6. Hi Anne-Marie,
    I pretty much wear what I desire. I loved Boy when I tried it and will save up for sale day in October. It is such a fun and beautiful perfume.


  7. I wore an oud last summer in Australia and was pleasantly pleased with myself…I didn’t hear any complaints from anyone, but yes summer citrus is also ideal…cannot wait to try Boy!


    • Oud is of Middle Eastern origin so at some level it must work in the heat? Hope you encounter the Boy soon. 🙂


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