Scent Diary: 26.6 – 2.7.2017




Hey All,

You know I told you I hosted a Trivia Fundraiser last Saturday night? Well, they managed to raise $14,000 for their school. It was a really wonderful night and Belinda the co-ordinator was amazing. Here’s a shot of us all. Every table dressed up in a theme, some even decorating their tables. The Auction prizes were unbelievable: Concert tickets to Lorde and America, A tour of the Bachelorette house, Bikes, Business learning and so much more. The night was a joy to host.

Scent Diary: 26.6 – 2.7.2017

Monday 26:

TinaG is still not OK so we went to visit her and take some delicious delicacies. She was feeling a shade less that glorious so we could only photograph ourselves. This is us being sad that she is unwell.

Jin was home all day so we got to hang out. He’s really good company.

Feeling very homey I decided to do Spaghetti Bolognese for dinner. Being sure I had all the ingredients on hand because I’d shopped for the basics recently I went ahead and started cooking the garlic, onions and meat. Then I found that somebody, pointing no fingers of course, had used the tomato paste and not let anyone know that we were out. An extra can of diced tomatoes and a couple of squirts of Tomato Sauce and we were fine. Went to get the spaghetti but that too had been stolen by a hungry man so it was a mixture of the last of the spiral and bow tie pastas. Though it was bloody annoying to have to quickly rethink the meal the food was delicious and Jin even commented on how delicious it was.

Tuesday 27:

Scott was over and we were doing office work, errands and some sewing for my new outfit. I haven’t made anything new since creating the Perfume Lovers London outfit in January 2016. That’s a pretty shabby record considering I can whip up an outfit from headdress to gown in a few days. I have become safe, comfortable and lazy in my middle age.

ELdO Yes I Do wafted with me this morning. It’s fun and sweet, the undercurrent of naughty is negligible on my skin and I smell jasmine and sweets the whole way.

Here is Scotty at the Post Office bearing some of the packages that went out this morning. Yes, the photo is terrible of him but it does give a kind of insight into how lovely he is.

Went to get my hair cut today and had my face shaved at the same time. Sadly, though my barber was gorgeous, he probably would be better as a shearer or butcher. I was nicked and chopped quite heavily, blood everywhere.

Once Scott left I went and had cuddle time with Paris. He is the best squishy hugger. When we lie down together he takes a deep sniff of my chest to sniff my perfume and then sighs in blissful contentment as he rolls himself back towards me so I’m the big spoon. Heaven.

Work tonight I wore Fendi. I have a bottle of the old original one. It’s outrageous. There are also a few of the newer copies here too, they have excellent openings but fade fairly quickly. After todays hatchet face job I couldn’t reshave today without creating a bloodbath so went to work in man drag. Everyone was sad. I was bloody comfortable and enjoyed the night immensely.

Got home and Jin had just returned from walking the dogs. Aren’t they cute together?

Later I watched some more Gilmore Girls. Now I’m spritzing some DIOR Mitzah before bed. Night.

Wednesday 28:

Was up at 7am to take the car down to the Smash Repair store. Seriously, this is NOT my time of the day. Feeling woozy like I’ve eaten too many lollies and then drunk too much water to make up for my sugar high.

Keiko Mecheri Un Jour d’Ete is my creamy, coconut rich, white floral with a lovely summer beachy feel. Perfect to beat the rainy winter blues.

OK, so confession time. I got home, did about 20 minutes on the computer then grabbed Paris and we hit the spare bed. I slept for another 4 hours! Blissful sleep of the dead. Only down side is now I’m groggy again. Time for coffee and to do some clothes washing. Then it’s serious house cleaning time….. Well actually almost zero house cleaning got done, the laundry has ALL been done though. Last load is still on the line.

Work tonight. I’ve been worried about my Wednesday job. It hasn’t been performing as well as I hoped with me working as a guy so I got one of our beautiful Turbo Trivia Drag Queens in, April Fools. She was great and the crowd loved her. The room even felt like it had infinitely more energy, I think it will make the whole event lift.

For Bath, Lotion and Fragrance today I did Annick Goutal Musc Nomade bubble bath, Kiehl’s Original Musk body lotion and J P Gaultier Classic women perfume. It was a very enjoyable combination. For bed I spritzed more Gaultier Classic.

Thursday 29:

Woke up this morning feeling blue and out of sorts. Not depressed as such but definitely a sparkle short of average.

Fed the dogs and as I was locking the apartment Paris started weeing in the carpeted apartment stairwell. O M G!! I raced them outside then had to come back and clean up before we got our walk. GRRR! Loads of towels, boiling water with vinegar and exertion later I took them out for a proper walk.

Cleaning the apartment. Vacuumed, quickly dusted, broomed and steamed the tiled areas and my bathroom. It is pretty clean around here. I feel much better after some exertion. Cleaning is a bloody good workout when you’re a bit down and going 100 miles per hour to outrun your demons. Even in this cool weather I’m sweating like a farm hand.

Next week I have to go down to Tasmania to fix up one of the houses there so I’m trying to get ahead on the Trivia and Blog. Wearing a couple of scents for review that you’ll meet next week. Got all the Jackpot and Runs done and preparing the Q&A.

SOTD: Hermès Caleche vintage parfum. This is the best kept vintage Caleche, unbelievable! While putting it on I suddenly remembered that my Mum wore Caleche for a while. She called it Call E Shay and it wasn’t till many, many years later (2000s) that I was told by a French friend that it’s pronounced Kal-Esh. Hello mortified.

Tonight for work I’m scented in a weird but wonderful hodge-podge. Penhaligon’s Blenheim Bouquet bath oil, Madonna Truth or Dare Naked lotion and La Via del Profumo Mecca Balsam perfume.

Got into bed tonight and was kicked out because I have too much perfume on. OOOPSIE! I put La Via del Profumo Mecca Balsam on about 7 hours ago, that is serious longevity for a natural. Amazing, and I smell freaking awesome. Got SEVEN unsolicited compliments tonight at work. It’s a definite winning combination here. (Except with Jin, oh well)

Friday 30:

Beautiful cool sunny morning. Jack Frost has sprinkled his shining crystals on the grass and the air is clear and fresh. Walking the dogs was lovely and I’m now ready to start my day.

So I jumped on a train and went to Sydney City to meet Rose, Alice and Mark at Madame Shanghai.

The venue is beautiful, I should have taken more pics. Even the carpet has been made with raised Chinese designs, it’s really schmick. We are EVERYTHING! I tried King Fish Sashimi even though I loath the taste of fish and found it spectacularly meaty and with zero fishy taste. It was a fabulous win and an extra thing to add to my list of edibles. Sorry, I didn’t take the pic till we were just about done with it.

There were also dumplings galore, duck, squid, ham hocks and cauliflower. The food just kept coming and we packed it away like we’d not eaten for a month.

Conversation flowed, and we had a lovely Gewürztraminer to go with all the food.

As we were leaving we decided to walk Mark back to his offices in Martin place and then go do a spot of shopping. We REALLY needed to walk to help us digest the most ridiculous amount of food we’d all consumed.

I may have accidentally bought the new Guerlain Black Perfecto. That bottle is freaking PERFECT!

Sitting down for a cuppa later we were extremely amused by how drunk the Balenziaga model in Harold’s looks. Hilarious.

Then I jumped another train and met up with Jin as he finished work. We caught the train back to Parramatta together. He had a little nap and I had to keep elbowing him to stop him snoring. He He he. Once we got back home and walked the dogs Jin exclaimed at how starving he was so I drove him up the road and he had Vietnamese with a later frozen yoghurt. He was a VERY happy man.

Now I’m up and he is fast asleep. Trying to motivate myself to do some work but frankly I’m really just surfing the web and Facebooking. Oh well. I’m going to watch some Gilmore Girls instead.

Saturday 1:

2.30am SOTBed Estee Lauder Modern Muse Le Rouge Gloss. I really like it. Radiant, sheer, sand blasted fruit-chouli with slightly sweaty vinyl and a honey/vanilla base.

Sunny and beautiful for dog walking this morning. Doused myself in Carner Barcelona Rima XI and it fits the day very well. We are having a BarBQ tonight so I have some shopping and cleaning to do.

Lunch in the sunshine. Fresh bread rolls with butter & vegemite and a cuppa. So yummy. Jinx couldn’t stop sniffing me after I’d eaten. He was very sad I didn’t share.

Spent the day organising tonights dinner. We had a wonderful time with Evie and Lola, Sue and Rose. Jin cooked Spicy BarBQ Pork and did a bunch of delicious side dishes. Sue brought a Pavlova Roulade and a Pear Cake with Dollop cream & hot Butterscotch Sauce. O M G! Phil dropped by for dessert but was already too full to eat so we all sat & chatted happily. It was such a fun night I forgot to take even one photo of the event. Here’s what it looked like just after everyone left. Just the dessert plates and tea stuff left, I am so chuffed at our night, it was perfect.

I wore Van Cleef & Arpels Ambre Imperial. Very pretty, dry, low key amber. Hummed along quietly without making an issue of itself. Good fit for a dinner party.

Sunday 2:

Scent free morning. Gave the dogs a 2km walk with Jin. Air was crystal clear and smelled so clean.

Spent the rest of my morning at the computer organising as much of next week as I can because I’ll be in Tasmania.

Lunch with BFF Kath and her parents. Loads of fun. I grabbed a bucket of KFC and we sat around laughing at my idiocy, and burping! Yep, even Mum got in on the act.

My fragrant choices for work go like this. B&BW Warm Vanilla bubble bath (so cheap but smells yummy), Madonna Truth or Dare Naked body lotion and Guerlain Tonka Imperial fragrance.

Home and more computer catching up.


So your week? Fun, friends, fabulous, family or fragrant things happen for you? Great! We’d love to read about them. Doesn’t need to be earth shattering, just something that brightened, added drama or scented your week.
Leave me a message in the comments, I love to read about you.
Portia xx

26 thoughts on “Scent Diary: 26.6 – 2.7.2017

  1. Hello Portia! I do enjoy your writing and the Scent Diary is a weekly highlight. I had a giggle at the Cal ee shaye pronunciation of Caleche. As I teenager I thought gingham was pronounced ‘Jinge ham’. Safe travels to Tasmania.


  2. I have been home all week in bed recovering from a flare up of my herniated disc. I sprayed myself liberally and often to feel better. I have all three of these and never thought of this combination, thanks for the idea: Annick Goutal Musc Nomade bubble bath, Kiehl’s Original Musk body lotion and J P Gaultier Classic women perfume.


    • Hey Gina,
      I hope you can get some relief, that must be painful.
      Yeah, it was a very nice combo.
      Portia xx


  3. Mitzah and vintage Calèche, yay! I am drenched in Coromandel today, going out shortly with our friends from Wollongong who have just arrived in Montreal for a 2 week holiday, we are off to the jazz festival!


    • Hey TaraC,
      I hope you had a wonderful time at the jazz Festival with your Aussies.
      Coromandel is YUM.
      Portia x


  4. I love Caleche. I like Chanel no. 5 in vintage cologne version and I will say Shalimar is good, too though less than Chanel no. 5 in my book. I have not really warmed up to Shalimar except in parfum version. The classic fragrance I think is the most artistic is Hermes Caleche. I def. consider Caleche to be above No. 5 and wish Caleche should have taken off like No. 5 did.


    • Hey Fazal,
      I’m glad Caleche didn’t take off so high, this way we can still get vintage reasonably, her he he.
      Portia xx


  5. Oh my gosh Portia! What a week and you smelled divine the whole time. I have got to seek out vintage Caleche – you have me drooling. Last week it felt as if we skipped summer and went straight to fall – gaaawwwd – talk about miserable moods all around. This is the last week of school before summer vacation! Yay! Have a beautiful week. Sandra xoxo


    • Hey there Sandra,
      Vintage Caleche is worth the hunt.
      BUMMER about the weather, hopefully it was just teasing you and back to full summer ahead.
      Portia xx


  6. It’s always a treat to peek into your scented week. I admire those scented bath-lotion-perfume triple plays. Poor Jin and his overwhelmed nose, he’ll need nose plugs soon if you’re not careful. It’s good that you love him up with pasta, caring, and good times. You’re so sweet together. Cherish each other!

    As warmer July days approach I’ve reached for Terracotta Le Parfum and feel like it will be my summer spritz along with Songes. Both are beloved scents I have neglected for some time. The past week was quiet, lots of cleaning, organizing, and reading+napping in the afternoons. Attended the first community concert in the park on Friday evening with the city municipal band playing a wonderful concert.

    In the next few days we’ll pick up the pace as we spend time with extended family beginning on July 4th. We’ll watch the city’s fireworks display after eating too much and cutting a cake to celebrate two July birthdays.


    • Hiya Tiffanie,
      Yeah, poor Jin. I overwhelm him in a thousand ways. Yeah, we know how lucky we are. Even when I want to stab him I know he’s the guy.
      Both beautiful choices and faves of mine, you’re going to smell fabulous this summer.
      I hope 4th July was fun.
      Portia xx


  7. Your scent diary always brightens my day, Portia.
    I used to wear Caleche a long time ago, I loved it then but haven’t tried the new version yet. This past week I spritzed Noontide Petals every day, it’s my latest favorite, so gorgeous.
    Have a good trip to Tasmania!


    • Hi Ingrid,
      Nice to see you.,
      Tasmania was full on, we hardly stopped for three days but all the work got done and we also had fun.
      Noontide Petals, that’s an Andy Tauer creation, isn’t it? Enjoy.
      Portia x


  8. That’s it! I’m wearing Caleche to have my cuppa tea! An old love and one of the first I sought out in vintage when I discovered eBay!


  9. Another week, another “no news yet” report.

    Many people here will know I’m an impulse buyer; it’s how I ended up with so many FBs. Well, this week I excelled myself. On Wednesday I put my 2003 Jazz in for a service. When I got the bill at the end of the day, I realised that the cost of running this car for a year exceeds its market value. So Thursday I went to a few dealerships and by 6pm I had bought a brand-new car! How’s that for an impulse?

    Scent-wise, I wore Gaultier 2 (one of my favourite op shop finds), Dior Ambre Nuit, Serge Lutens Santal Majuscale, Tom Ford Plum Japonais, CdG Avignon and Caron 3ème Homme

    Expecting big news next week. Fingers crossed.


    • O M G! Greg, you ARE impulsive. Impressive. Was your family cool with this spontaneous act of expenditure? Jin got sheer hell when he came home with a Harley.

      You have the most fabulous frag wardrobe, I love reading your weekly selections. So across the board.

      Fingers crossed that your news is good.
      Portia xx


  10. Looks like you had another great week Portia!

    LOL at accidentally buying Black Perfecto…I mean that could happen to anyone… *looks guilty*

    Actually I haven’t bought it…yet…but sooooo tempted. DJ’s gave me a sample so I’ll work my way through that before I decide but it is lovely.

    Also seem to be developing a potentially expensive crush on Tom Ford’s Vert series. Fell hard for Verte de Fleur and Verte de Encens…I am afraid to try the others now! Luckily it is my birthday in a couple of weeks time. I have my eye on a birthday bottle of Bel Respiro EdP but perhaps it needs company 😉

    Lil Xx


    • DO NOT TRY Vert Boheme, it’s freaking amazing and I nearly bought a bottle but refrained.
      Yeah, that accidental purchasing needs a smack Lillibet but I really wanted that bottle.
      Portia xx


  11. I enjoy these posts so much! Feeling particularly jealous of your cool, frosty air, it’s soupy humid summer here in the US lower Great Lakes but all the berries are in season. Checking out a few favorite Amish farm stands today.

    The state of Michigan has some lovely vineyards and my husband and I discovered Gewürztraminer recently. So delicious! Wearing En Voyage Go Ask Alice lately, it’s dry and resiny and perfect for summer heat.


    • Thank you Rosarita313,
      The cool air is lovely. all my pores have snapped shut and my skin looks pink and dewy.
      Talk about jealous. I bet the Amish stands have excellent produce.
      Gewürztraminer is a wonderful reason to eat more spicy food. Don’t you think?
      Portia xx


  12. Hi Portia and APJers. It is only just now I can see well enough to read a computer screen. I am being tested for a thing called Sjögren’s Syndrome. Anyway, four days of not being able to see means lots of sniffing. Balenciaga’s L’Essence has been gracing my life, L’Artisan’s Timbuktu has spent more time on my youngest son than me and I fiiiiinalllly got a bottle of Guerlain’s Cologne du 68. Heavenly pastiche of top, middle and base notes. Like listening to a Bach pipe organ concerto and hearing each note of a full chord all at once.

    This week has been an exploration of my Amouage samples. I am sorry to Amouage fans but I am not one. Nice, somewhat interesting, but I haven’t thought any purchase worthy.

    I am going to purchase Houbifant’s Quelques Fleurs, for I adore floral bouquets. And a surprise bottle of one I haven’t owned since 1996!!


    • Hey Kate,
      Good luck with your tests. I hope all is well.
      What a set you’ve been testing. Shame about the Amouage but it takes all tastes to make a world. More for me!
      There is an old bottle of Quelques Fleurs that gets a few spritzes on occasion, it’s beautiful. Nice choice.
      Portia xx


  13. Hi gorgeous.
    Love reading about your fragrant week.
    So sweet of you to do fundraisers and, wow, what a great crowd.

    This post reminded me that I really need to use my Musc Nomade body lotion more often during these cold months.

    Note: my OCD kicked in everytime I see the wonky label of that Ambre Imperial… Especially when I have the feeling I got that one for you.

    XXX… T


    • Thanks Tim,
      That crowd was exceptional. My fundraising isn’t all goodwill to be honest. I charge about half what I charge for a non-fundraising one off gig. So still a bit selfish, I could do it for free.
      Yeah, get that yummy lotion one you,.
      HA! I had not even noticed that the label was screwy. Yes, you got this one for me. Thanks, I love it.
      Portia x


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