Heya APJ!

Here we are. 1000 posts. Every one of you have contributed, be it reading, writing, commenting, liking or spreading the word. Thank you.



We are having a party but we all have to have our own party, united but separate. Please grab a beverage and join us in a toast.

“1000 done and thousands more to come, Thank You Everyone”


Take a minute and type in your favourite fragrance house into the SEARCH function at the side of the page. Hopefully there will be something about your faves that you can read and reminisce about, if not please leave us a comment about what you don’t see. We will try and remedy the lack in the next 1000 posts


Little did I know 1000 posts ago when I bit the bullet and wrote my first piece that it would or could ever become so enormous. We have contributors on four continents, offer a safe and fun place where you can kick back and hang out or jump in get your fix and continue your life. We try to keep it light, informative and fun and all of us at APJ love that you are our cyber fragrance family.
There are majorly exciting giveaways and promotions in our near future, can’t wait to tell you about them as they come to fruition.


So, today in honour of our 1000th post please spritz or swipe something special.
Leave us a comment below to tell us what your special scent is.

I will be wearing Rosa Sur Reuse by SOIVOHLE in Korea

Beyond all of that I seriously love you all. This passion of ours has spawned a community. My gratitude is boundless.
If ever life feels shit please drop in, WE LOVE YOU.

The APJ Crew, especially Portia xxxx

PS. There will be a super 1000 posts GIVEAWAY when I get back from Korea, promise

All photos stolen.
If I’ve used your image and you are unhappy about it
please leave a note and I’ll remove it.