Pussy Water + Kittens Photo Essay

Hi there APJ,

Who can resist kittens! They are so cute, cuddly and gorgeous. We used to have cats as kids but since greyhounds and fostering them has happened in my life there seems no room, so safe room anyway, to fit them in my life. Oh well cutesy pictures and videos will have to fill the void.

Portia xx


Kittens Pussy Water PixabayPhoto Stolen Pixabay

Kitten Pussy water Sleeping Cory Barnes FlickrPhoto Stolen Flickr

Kitten Pussy Water DeviantArtPhoto Stolen DeviantArt

Kitten Pussy Water plizzba FlickrPhoto Stolen Flickr

Kitten Pussy Water sleeping_jessy elvira1990 DeviantArtPhoto Stolen DeviantArt

Kittens Pussy Water Red_Kitten WikMediaPhoto Stolen WikiMedia


NSFW! Put HEADPHONES on. I found this very naughty but quite amusing Perfume Ad while trollng around YouTube, or maybe someone sent it to me? Oh well, can’t remember but I nearly spat my coffee at the screen when I saw this.

Pussy Water – banned cologne commercial {The Kloons}