Sunflowers by David Apel for Elizabeth Arden 1993

Hello Happy Huffers,

Sometimes the cheapest fragrances smell amazing, who knows why. I wore Sunflowers for a time when trying to convince myself all I needed in my life was one fragrance that smelled fresh and light and to prove that I didn’t need to spend a fortune. Do you ever go through self denial periods where you want to streamline your existence? Well, Sunflowers was part of my streamlining life till a friend took me aside and had a word. Not just about my tacky choice of fragrance but also about its cheap bottle and what was I thinking wearing such awful dross when there was so much better available.  My pathetic, “I like it” fell on deaf ears and in the end I binned my bottle. Peer pressure!

Imagine my surprise then when I am working with a girlfriend of mine not so long ago and when asked what her fabulous fragrance that is all sexy white flowers and spice, that smells like a very expensive niche offering on her turns out to be

Sunflowers by Elizabeth Arden 1993

Photo Stolen Fragrantica

Fragrantica gives these featured accords:
Top: Lemon, rosewood, orange blossom, mandarin, bergamot, melon, peach
Heart: Cyclamen, rose, jasmine, osmanthus, iris root
Base: Musk, cedar, amber, moss, sandalwood

I love the fruity fresh opening that already has the waxy cyclamen floating through it. It’s bright and easy and relaxed in a comfortable and desirable way. Even though I know she wouldn’t wear it I think of my buddy and original APJ partner EvieC when I smell it. She is so devastatingly beautiful even after university, modelling, traveling the world, working for big TV conglomerates, marriage, children, happiness, loss, the works, and still gives the impression of beautiful and unruffled calm. That effortless beauty and poise that many ex models have.

Photo Stolen brisbanephotos

On my skin the flowers meld seamlessly through Sunflowers heart, not the spicy white flower extravaganza that my GF pumped, still it is lovely and wearable. I’m not sure what it is but there is a fatness, like butter, that underlies the whole fragrance giving it heft. The iris root keeps everything cool and the bouquet is quite green, only warming slightly towards dry down with the amber and woods, though on me these are not heavy hitters just a pretty wafting softness that stays around until the 8+ hour mark, barely there but noticeable if I really sniff myself.

Photo Stolen scent-sation

Way too perfumed for officewear but in most other endeavours Sunflowers by Elizabeth Arden should be a perfect fit. Not sexy or alluring in an obvious way but the scent is pretty and inviting, more of a Mary-Ann than a Ginger from Gilligan’s Island.

ISimplyLOveMakeUp and LouLouDiaries are the only 2 non sales motivated reviews I could find on Google for further reading.

CheapSmells has 100ml/$19
MyPerfumeSamples starts at $2/ml or I bought 5ml for $6

Just a reminder that it doesn’t have to cost $400 to be a wonderful, fun and memorable fragrance. Sometimes it really does pay to stop and smell the Sunflowers.
Till tomorrow we at APJ wish you only the good stuff you wish yourselves.
Portia xxx

10 thoughts on “Sunflowers by David Apel for Elizabeth Arden 1993

  1. Oh Portia ! A real 90s gem , this fragrance is burned into my memory as my BFF in high school rocked this frag and had it stashed in her over the shoulder school bag to sprits after lunch time sneaky ciggies behind the library ! That bottle , the colour yellow , her house in cronulla and her mother ! Sunflowers sum’s it up perfectly , Wow !!!! A total blast from the past !
    Great review as always Portia, and I agree , peer pressure sucks ! Viva la sunflower TL4E


  2. Lol! I actually laughed when I read you were reviewing Sunflowers :’) Becuase I too wore it solely for a good 6 months when I was about 15… I’m sure that’s not right for a 15 year old boy but there we go… I really like it – despite thinking it was absolutely rancid :’) I still think it is completely gross – but then again I’ve never smelt it on anyone else, I would like to revisit it, especially considering it can easily be picked up in bargain bins here for £10 (100ml). This brought back some memories so thanks Portia! 😀 You make it sound much more beautiful than I thought it could.


  3. Sunflowers does not work on me at all, but I’ve got other cheap thrills in my collection that I adore, so I say, “Rock on!” as well as “Pfffft!” to peer pressure.


  4. I had a bottle of this and I wore it well. No bad memories for me with this one. My friend hated it but she wasn’t my friend for long so it didn’t matter. This may not be the best perfume in the world but you could do far worse than it.


  5. Oh yes a blast from the past alright….. Again, a BFF of the time, (def NOT NOW….. biach) used to wear this, and I still remember her joy when I bought her the BIGGEST BOTTLE EVER for her birthday many years ago, and she giggled and spritzed, spritzed and giggled the day away!
    Plastic sunflowers in the jar on the dining table, the Monet sunflowers picture on the wall….. ah yes, definitely the 90’s!


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