Kings Canyon Easter Getaway Photo Essay!

Hello fabulous FUMIES!

A crew of five of us fled the city on Thursday and went bush to one of Australia’s best kept secrets. Kings Canyon is the place in the movie Priscilla, Queen of the Desert where the three drag queens climb to the top before they go home to Sydney. Having only been involved in the Sydney part of the shooting process I have wanted to come and see the majesty of this place since 1993/4 when Priscilla was filmed as we spent so much time with the cast and crew preparing them for their roles. It was also my first full sighting of Ayers Rock, which beggars the imagination in real life, one day I will come back and climb it.

Here is a short photo essay of our time there. Unfortunately the main camera belonging to Kath has not yet been downloaded but I will add some photos of the climb itself when she returns on Monday from an overnight camping trip. The four I was lucky enough to travel with are all in the top shot, all Australian citizens but I’ll put where each was born for interests sake. From left: Seb (France), Kath (Australia), Alice (UK) and Jin (South Korea). At the bottom I’ve added a choral rendition of one of Australia’s most famous poems, My Country by Dorathea Mackeller. It’s kind of dopey but does show some of Australia’s most wonderful scenery.

On the perfume front I took two The Different Company travel size fragrances, Sel & Vetiver and Oriental Lounge. (The jump I’ve added at the name is for 3 x 10ml Travel Size mixture at $105. I think it’s a super bargain!!)

Easter 13.1

Easter 13.2

Easter 13.3

Easter 13.4

Easter 13.5

Easter 13.6

Easter 13.7

Easter 13.8

Easter 13.9

Easter 13.11

Easter 13.12

This pic from my BFF Kath…

Jin&Portia KingsCanyon 2013 Kath

11 thoughts on “Kings Canyon Easter Getaway Photo Essay!

  1. Gorgeous!!! and I adore that picture of you and Jin 😀 !!!
    (and of course only crazy me would be commenting on Easter Sunday!)


      • Sweet dreams, P!! And the day begins in the States whilst I gorge myself on baconbiscuit212’s spicy bacon pecan nougats (which I put in the kids Easter basket but secretly bought for myself 😀 – how I am as thin as I am heaven knows!)


  2. Gorgeous pics. You and Jin are so cute! Looks like I’m another lone commenter on Easter Sunday. Brie, I just gorged myself on donuts, so I guess junk feeding’s what we all do on Sundays. Someone has to do it.


  3. These photos look incredibly like New Mexico, my home for the last 12 years. I think that I’d feel right at home in Kings Canyon. So what frags did people wear for Easter? Mine were a discreet dab of Carnal Flower for church, and for our late dinner I’ll use a drop of TF Velvet Gardenia. Combined with the lilies on the table, it will probably be over the top, but that’s the right thing sometimes.


      • Part of spirituality involves happy sensuality/sexuality, right? Not to get too serious about it, I think that sensual joy is part of a grateful stance in life. Look at your passion for fragrant experience, Portia, and the gusto and joy that you bring to it, and try to tell me that there aren’t worshipful aspects to it. And you make it so much fun for the rest of us!


  4. Beautiful post. It really is a wonderous land we live in. I am in awe that you worked on Priscilla. I love that movie with a passion. I am now feeling inspired to take this trip myself!


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