Vienna Take Two. Photo Essay 2014


So have taken you on our flight to Vienna through it’s stops and starts, shown you Michael eating a schnitzel bigger than his head and now we are up to the meeting up with mates section We sampled fragrances, ate, drank, laughed and Michael shopped up a whole new wardrobe because he’s 6 foot 4 inches and whippet thin so Austria is the first place he’s been where they cut for his shape.

Birgit, Sandra (both of Olfactoria’s Travels), Michael and Sandra’s sweet and hilarious son Sean made our stay so fun and we saw Vienna the city to live in as well as the tourist city. I was so happy to have dinner with Birgit’s gorgeous husband again, he is sharp, handsome and funny and I am completely smitten.

You may wonder why there’s a dirty great ginger cat but Sandra took us to a Cat Cafe, where people who can’t have pets of their own can spend some time with a bunch of glorious cats. This was my favourite and reminded me a little of Undina from Undina’s Looking Glass cat Rusty, except this one would NOT pose.

Again we stayed in the Hotel Royal on the Stefansplatz, a very comfortable and affordable option in the heart of Vienna that serves an excellent breakfast. These are my three criteria for accommodation: Comfortable, Affordable, Excellent breakfast. Also add to that: Near the station.

Here are a few pics, enjoy a glimpse of Vienna, Austria with us.
Portia xxx

Hoffburg Vienna

Hoffburg Stairs

Church Vienna

Model of Church Vienna

Salzburg #2

Belvedere Gardens Vienna

St Stephan's Vienna

Salzburg #1

Sandra Michael Vienna

Cat store 2

Sandra, Michael, Portia Cat Store

Birgit M & P Vienna

Birgit & Michael

Michael OT & Portia Vienna

Wien Museum

Sacher Torte

Le parfum Vienna

37 thoughts on “Vienna Take Two. Photo Essay 2014

  1. Oh great. Thanks a lot. Another city added to my bucket list. On the positive side, I have so many things on that list that I’ll have to live a very, very long life! Thanks for sharing the beautiful pictures!


    • Ha Ha Ha!! MaggieCat, there is SO MUCH TO SEE. Sometimes I feel naughty for returning to places I’ve been before, as if I’m ripping myself off of adventure. It’s nice to see people you know though.
      Portia xx


  2. What a beautiful city! Thank you for sharing the pictures 🙂 Also, I love the idea of the cat cafe. If we had that anywhere near me I would go all the time, and I would love a dog one as well.


  3. It was a lovely trip to take vicariously, and thank you for the video link–it’s been ages since I’ve heard that song.


          • It was. As I’ve spent most of my life in Southern California, where a historic building might be a 1950’s coffee shop, the sheer age of many things was mind-blowing. You’ve done so much traveling that that wouldn’t be a novelty, but it was beautiful, and as green as advertised.


            • I have a story for you LaurelS.
              While in Venice Jin (who was born and grew up in Korea where they have temples as old as Christendom and beyond) and I were talking about Historic Buildings of Australia and how we are trying to make people preserve 1950s, 60s & 70s buildings or they will all be gone. Jin was laughing and pointing at things like garbage bins saying, “In Australia this would be a historical landmark” He was right.
              So though I’ve seen a lot of old buildings every time it amazes me.
              Portia xx


    • YAY! We had a ball. You guys are excellent hosts too. How cute are you in the shots?
      Thank you for taking time from your busy life to spend with two silly Aussies, please give your little man (Shaun? Sean? Shawn?) hugs from Australia.
      Portia x


  4. Great pictures! Love Vienna. And I want that cake.

    As to the Rusty’s doppelganger, he behaves exactly this way turning his back to the camera every time I want to take a picture of him. I need to pretend to be completely into taking pictures of other things if I want to catch him 😉


    • Ha Ha Ha! Maybe it’s a big ginger Tom trademark.
      Give Rusty a treat from Oz please Undina and yes, Vienna is so beautiful.
      Portia xx


    • Sachertorte!! Vanessa, there are places now that make it and IT’S NOT A BRICK!!! Of course I found an old fashioned place and this could definitely have been used to help fortify a town. Even so I enjoyed every bite.
      Coy? Me? Ha Ha Ha. No dear I’m just being an Ass Hole.
      Portia xx


  5. Your photos reflect exactly what I love about European cities, the beautiful architecture, the fabulous churches, elegance and the fooooood…thanks for sharing.
    Oh, and how can the backs of cats’ heads be so expressive!


    • Oh My Yes,
      That cat was giving infinite disdain, for a moment I thought I was excrement too.
      Vienna is one of my all time favourite cities. It’s small, filled with interesting places to see and easily navigable. The locals almost all speak English, which for a language duffer like me is a godsend, and are extremely friendly.
      Portia xx


  6. Thanks for sharing these wonderful photos, Portia. Vienna must be the most stunning city in the world. I am dying to go.

    I love how smitten you are with B’s hubby! Too cute. Sandra and her son sound lovely company and I wish they’d open a Dog Cafe equivalent in London. Pleased to hear Michael found clothes that fit him well in Vienna and managed to stock up. They will also be a nice reminder of the trip.

    Miss you loads!


    • Tara,
      You all must make a fragrant journey to Vienna. With Ryan Air so cheap and The Hotel Royal extremely reasonable and breakfast inclusive it becomes eminently do-able.
      You could arrive Friday night and take a long weekend, fly home Monday night. That would give you a welcome dinner, a fragrance day, Sunday a day of rest, then Monday a day sightseeing.
      Bs hubby is a dreamboat, how lucky they are. Sandra is a wonderful guide and Sean so fun.
      Go to Vienna, you’ll not regret it.
      I wish we lived closer, we could hang.
      Portia xx


  7. Some gorgeous photos, almost made me feel like I was there…. I wish :). Love the idea of the Cat Cafe, my daughter would be in heaven.


    • Hey there SueB,
      Yes, thew Cat Cafe was a terrific idea. I don’t think they’d allow it in Sydney because of our veryt strict hygiene rules but I loved it.
      Portia x


  8. These photos are all so great! I am glad you posted them for everyone to see. I can’t even decide which one I like best. I’m sure you had a fabulous time in Vienna. (I like the beautiful ginger cat at the cat cafe, too!)


    • Hi MaryK,
      Thanks you. I love the 2nd photo taken inside the Hoffburg Museum where one side is in perfect focus and the other is blurred as if it is moving. I don’t know how I got the effect but it feels as unearthly and strange as wandering those halls alone felt, quite other.
      Portia x


  9. Oh, I love the photos! Vienna has such a different feel from what I’m used to, so intricate and baroque and gorgeous. And a cat café? What an intriguing idea.

    As a frugal perfumista, I heartily approve of your hotel qualifications. The Engineer and I just got home from a weekend away celebrating our anniversary, and two of the reasons we picked the hotel we did were the amazing rates for a Jacuzzi suite and the included breakfast.


    • Congratulations on your anniversary Dionne. A jacuzzi suite, how fabulously decadent!!
      Vienna is so amazing. One of the great things is the size, you can walk to most of what is seeable, or tram. The far things are a 5-10 euro cab ride.
      I think you would LOVE it.
      And it has the OT girls there too.
      Portia xx


    • HA! Naah, just the cats. If you live in Sydney though Daisy there are some excellent cafes in our off leash dog parks that will give you PLENTY of doggie time.
      Portia x


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