Aromatics Elixir Sheer Velvet Philtre Sensuel by Trudi Loren for Clinique 2006

Hello Gang,

You may or may not know but Michael Edwards, the man who writes the annual frag bible: Fragrances Of The World, recently opened the doors of his home and gave an enormous amount of fragrances away. A lifetimes collecting that he has been trying to give to a museum or collection but sadly no one could take it without it costing him a fortune. I was one of the lucky ones invited in so over the next few months I will be able to write about some fairly obscure or discontinued things. Today I get to write about a flanker to one of my favourite fragrances. There is quite a lot of it strewn around this house in different guises and thanks to Michael I can chat about another…

Aromatics Elixir Sheer Velvet Philtre Sensuel

by Trudi Loren for Clinique 2006

Aromatics Elixir Sheer Velvet Philtre Sensuel Clinique FragranticaPhoto Stolen Fragrantica

Fragrantica gives these featured accords:
Top: Chamomile, aldehydes, orange blossom, bergamot, coriander, palisander, green notes
Heart: Lily-of-the-valley, jasmine, rose, ylang-ylang, tuberose, orris root, carnation
Base: Sandalwood, oakmoss, vetiver, musk, coconut, patchouli

Sweet, green, herbal and metallic all at once is how Aromatics Elixir Sheer Velvet Philtre Sensuel opens on my skin. The gel form is very cool, as in cool and aloof, less boisterous  but no less nuanced and lovely. Philtre Sensuelt feels less enormous than the 1971 release Aromatics Elixir fragrance but you will be fragrant. Grandly, deliriously and exceedingly fragrant. I have been dabbing a drop on each hand back and I can smell it for hours, going through its story.There is a little bit of the crazy, hot glamour of Leilani Dowding  in Aromatics Elixer usually and this version is no different, a prowling siren both elegant and vampish. A coltish beauty that smells untamed, unfettered, free and liberated.

Aromatics Elixir Sheer Velvet Leilani_Dowding  WikipediaPhoto Stolen Wikipedia

We are offered an enormous top, heart and base story in the notes and though Aromatics Elixir Sheer Velvet Philtre Sensuel does change, the change is not as profound as you would expect reading the list. Even in the farthest reaches of dry down at 9 hours, where it is just the merest hint of itself upon my skin, I can still recognise the fragrances opening fireworks though seriously depleted in heft. Also, the blending and sheer weight of ingredients tends to confuse my clunky nose so I don’t get a note list but a complete fragrance. What I smell most of the wear is Aromatics Elixir Sheer Velvet Philtre Sensuel as a complete unit, a smell all its own but at times I do get a whiff that I can recognise and pinpoint. Sparkling, metallic, cold spoon in mouth aldehydes, spicy carnation, herbs as a group more than singularly, woods etc do come and go in intensity.

Longevity is good, I can still smell fragrance quite close but noticeable; even after 6-7 hours of sleep. The sillage is less powerful and projection less formidable than the Aromatics Elixir perfume but don’t let that fool you into thinking it’s a retiring wallpaper scent. No, this is a fragrance with personality that hints of world travel and exotic adventure.

michael-edwardsI would like to thank Michael Edwards for generously giving me his Clinique: Aromatics Elixir Sheer Velvet Philtre Sensuel. Don’t forget Michael Edwards Masterclass: Sydney & Melbourne<<JUMP. If you are in Sydney or Melbourne in late July or August 2014 DO NOT MISS THIS. These opportunities do not come along very often….

Aromatics Elixir Sheer Velvet Philtre Sensuel GIVEAWAY


This week we will have 4 winners who will each get:
1 x 1.5ml decanted vial Aromatics Elixir Sheer Velvet Philtre Sensuel
P&H Anywhere in the world


Open to everyone worldwide who follows AustralianPerfumeJunkies via eMail, WordPress, Bloglovin or RSS. Please leave how you follow in the comments to be eligible. I must be able to check that you follow so if you have an email address on your gravatar that’s different to your follow address then please email me so I know. Yes, you can start following to enter, in fact it’s encouraged.

You must tell me how you follow APJ


Please tell me your own Aromatics Elixir story, or why you would like to try this one.

Extra Chance?
Tweet:  Aromatics Elixir Sheer Velvet     


Entries Close Sunday 27th July 2014 10pm Australian EST and winners will be announced in a separate post.
Winners will be chosen by
The winners will have till Thursday 31st July 2014 to get in touch (portia underscore turbo at yahoo dot com dot au) with their address or the prize will go to someone else.
No responsibility taken for lost or damaged goods in transit.

28 thoughts on “Aromatics Elixir Sheer Velvet Philtre Sensuel by Trudi Loren for Clinique 2006

    • Amanda MacDougall how do you follow the blog and do you have an Aromatics Elixir story please?
      Portia x


  1. Oh, my precious, my endless love…Aromatics Elixir will always be in my perfume wardrobe – weather in edt, or edp concentration. Now, I have edp, and it saves me in cold winter, it gives me courage in hot summer days…What can I say – it’s a Chypre Holy Grail to me!
    One of the first perfumes I bought with my own earned money!
    I am guessing Aromatics Elixir Sheer Velvet Philtre Sensuel would be more floral and safe for the sake of the contemporary people’s taste.
    Thanks for the giveway, Portia!
    I follow by email and on FB, and I am in the EU.


    • Heya Lyubov,
      YAY! Another Aromatics Elixir fan.
      Not terribly different but the wear is less outrageous.
      Portia xx


  2. Aww I never had a chance to try this, you are sooo lucky!! I love Aromatics elixir , I always had a bottle of it and wear it on long cold winter days cause it makes me feel warm!
    I follow by email and FB and am in the UK!


    • Hi MariaA,
      Yes, I feel extremely good lucky. Aromatics Elixir is perfect cold day/evening wear but have you tried it in summer? WOW! It blooms in an entirely different way.
      Portia xx


  3. Well hi there and thank you for the opportunity to win a version of AEI haven’t tried! I hate to admit it, but I was around when it first launched and I raced to a department store to experience something that “went beyond” ordinary perfume, as the advert went (or words to that effect). I was shocked when I smelt it – it seemed so deep and green but I was hooked. There are few fragrances as powerful as this: I once put a top on, decided I didn’t want to wear it after all and it went back into the cupboard. When I got it out a year later, it still reeked of AE!!!!

    I follow you by email. And I live in good old England. Where it is as hot as an Ozzie summer right now.


    • Ha Ha Ha! That is an excellent story Jillie,
      I bet you were surprised when you got that short back out. Aromatics Elixir is slightly tenacious.
      Portia xx


  4. I’ve been an admirer of Aromatic Elixir for a while but I’ve been so afraid to actually get a bottle because of the enormous scent trail it leaves. All it takes is one spray and you are scented for hours afterwards. So I occasionally go to the local department store and spray myself with the one spray. The blotter sprayed with Aromatics Elixir stays scented for a whole month in my car. Unbelieveable !! Talk about longevity! I would love to experience this sheer variation of Aromatics Elixir. Thank for the opportunity.

    I follow APJ via email and wordpress and twitter.


    • Hey there Ferris,
      Always so nice to see you. I hope you’re well.
      I love your Encre Noire post BTW.
      I love Aromatics Elixir on the men. Great scent for them.
      Portia xx


  5. I follow by email. I love AA and have worn it for years – it smells like the little basket shop my mother & I used to shop in when I was a teen. I think the flanker would be interesting. Thanks for the draw.


    • Hi JulieF,
      Aromatics Elixir is a great memory scent. I don’t think my Mum had it but I think some of the courtesy Aunties did, or maybe it was some of my friends Mums. So much perfume my mind and memories have fused.
      There is a memory feeling for me, not a picture. It feels safe and warm.
      Portia xx


  6. I love AE. When they came out with the anniversary edition, I was in Macy’s hunting for it. They hadn’t received it at the counter yet, so I picked up the tester of AE they had out and sprayed it once, then walked through the cloud. Then walked around the counter looking at the color cosmetics. When I set down the test bottle the SA looked at me and said how much she hated AE and couldn’t stand when people tested it, but that on me it smelled lovely. I told her the key was to spray it lightly once and then to walk through the cloud. Any more than that can be overwhelming. I finally got the anniversary edition, but I don’t love it as much as the original. It currently resides in my “To Be Sold” bag. I follow you by email and on Facebook (through a different email address).


    • What a shame Tatiana that you don’t love the Anniversary parfum. I adore it but it is different to wearing the original Aromatics Elixir.
      Portia xx


  7. Have fond memories of Aromatics Elixir being launched as it was the next best thing after Estee Lauder’s Alliage.Wonderful green woody chypre fragrances and quite bold.Would love to try the Sheer Velvet as its sounds so invigorating.I follow APJ by e mail.


    • Hi there Rene.
      Alliage, what a scent. I had a little sample of it and only remember that I liked it very much. The fragrance itself has dropped out of my mind.
      Portia x


  8. I want to try this after reading all the comments! This seems a much-loved fragrance with a decided presence. And the bottle is pretty. I’m a sucker for the pretty. 🙂 I follow by email.


    • Hi there Jaybee,
      I too am a sucker for the pretty. My bottle is the gel tester so not so pretty but still lovely.
      Portia x


  9. I have adored AE for many years. And I’ve been known to overdose on it.LOL. I think that the bottle looks pretty. I’ve never heard of this AE incarnation and would really like to try it. Thanks for the opp.


    • As I have adored YOU SaffyIsHere,
      I can imagine you rocking Aromatics Elixir. Do you wear the parfum much?
      Portia xx


  10. Follow you via email, found you thru Facebook Fragrance Friends. What a generous offer! I just had my very first sniff of Aromatics, and fell in love! God only knows what took me so long!


  11. I follow by email, and I was just reading about chamomile as a perfume note on Bois de Jasmin so I am especially curious to try AE 🙂 Thank you!


    • Nemo,
      I LOVED that article on Bois de Jasmin. Victoria is a very interesting blogger.
      Portia xx


  12. I follow on facebook. AE is the first perfume I was ever given as a young girl from my first love. And it keeps finding its way back to my dresser, though the gifter is long gone!


    • That is a WONDERFUL story Sam, love it.
      your gifter had excellent taste, clearly.
      Portia xx


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