Scent Diary: 10.2-16.2.2020




Hey there APJ Crew,

Even though it’s been rush, rush, rush to get things organised all week I’ve felt calm about it. Going at it at my own pace and getting things done one at a time has allowed me to focus on each thing. At times it’s felt quiet zen.
Fragrance has, as always, played a major part. There are some cool spritzes from the vault.
Saw some friends but all in all it was work, organise, sleep, repeat.

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Scent Diary: 18.2 – 24.2.2019




Hey there APJ Crew,

Another week of roller coasting. Thank everything for fragrance, it has buoyed me at times  week when all seemed lost. Friends and commenters on APJ too, you all know who you are. Thank you for being the wind in my sails this week.

BTW Some of you were wondering about Greg’s mega sale. His stuff is up on Fragrance Buy, Swap & Sell Australia. Australia only postage though. Yes, I might have purchased.

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Scent Diary: 8.10 – 14.10.2018




Hey there APJ Crew,

Life is change and mine is in flux. Yes, I have headed back to the gym for the first time in eons. Diabetes eating has arrived. 50 years of treating my body abominably (and loving every minute, mouthful and lazy couch hour) has come home to roost. I’ve got a year to turn it around or it will be a medical regime forever.

In other news perfume, pals, pets, fun and laughter ruled the roost. Wonderful week. So much self created variety in every day.

I would also like to say how much I enjoy all the chatter, banter, lives, stories, fun and fragrance we have on the APJ SOTD thread each week. I can’t answer every comment but I read almost all of them. It gets confusing when the chains of each comment get too long and I give up. Your stories make me smile and think and sometimes shake my head. Just like family. I love it. Thanks.


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