Galerie de Parfum counter launch, Myer, Sydney City


Post by TinaG


Sydney-siders were treated to a special event on 24 September – a meet up, *and* a launch! An invitation was opened up to ten lucky dedicated scentaholics through the Australian Perfume Junkies website, to attend the launch of the new Galerie de Parfum counter at Myer, Sydney City. With such wonderful hosts as Nick Smart from Agence de Parfum / Libertine Parfumerie and none other than our very own Portia Turbo we were definitely in for a bit of a treat.

Galerie de Parfum counter launch, Myer, Sydney City

On arrival at Myer, I made a beeline for the new Agence de Parfum stand. I found myself dazzled by a wonderful display of familiar but often only internet-accessible fragrances – fantastic! We introduced ourselves to the group – some familiar faces and great to meet a bunch of new people.

Nick and Portia introduced us to Agence de Parfum, and then presented a mini-master-class of their three favourite scents each. We sniffed:

Batucada by L’Artisan Parfumeur

L_Artisan_Batucada_Eau_de_Toilette_100mlPhoto Stolen Fragrantica

Black Jade by Lubin

Black Jade Lubin FragranticaPhoto Stolen Fragrantica

Rappelle-Toi by L`Artisan Parfumeur

Rappelle-Toi L`Artisan Parfumeur  FragranticaPhoto Stolen Fragrantica

21 by Costume National

21 CoSTUME NATIONALPhoto Stolen Fragrantica

Petit Fracas by Robert Piguet

Petit Fracas FragranticaPhoto Stolen Fragrantica

1270 by P Frapin & Co

Frapin1270 Frapin FragranticaPhoto Stolen Fragrantica

Rapelle-Toi was a hit with most people, but I think my favourite of the above was Black Jade, a spicy incense rosy kind of concoction which I need to go back and test again….

Wonderfully lavish goodie bags were available for anyone who purchased 100ml bottle of fragrance on the night, a very generous introductory offer from Galerie de Parfum although I resisted temptation. An extra bonus was the gift of a full bottle of Rappel-Toi from the L’Artisan Parfumeur: Explosions d’Emotions range, which was won by Tim! Congrats!

Galerie de Parfum Launch #1

Galerie de Parfum Launch #2

There were some fragrances there which I’d heard about, however to date never quite been able to get my hands on, such as the Keiko Mercheri range, and Juliette has a Gun. Oliban by Keiko Mecheri was wonderful, such a rich and true frankincense (ie: Olibanum) note. I tried two of Juliette has a Gun on my skin, both totally different kinds of rose fragrances. Mad Madam was an amazing metallic rose which I really enjoyed for the first 2 hours, but I’m glad I gave it a run through as it lost the rose and ended up just being a bitter metallic which I didn’t enjoy so much. The other was Lady Vengance, a really full-bodied luscious rose. Fab. I’d like to go back and try more of that line though, such as Midnight Oud which smelt fantastic on Scott’s skin.

Galerie de Parfum Launch #3

Galerie de Parfum Launch #4

A fun evening! It was absolutely lovely to meet everyone, and thanks again to Nick and Portia for such a great launch.

Tina xx

15 thoughts on “Galerie de Parfum counter launch, Myer, Sydney City

  1. Thanks for the write-up, Tina. I bet Portia helped to make this a lot of fun.

    Isn’t it great when you gain access to perfumes you’ve never had access to before “in real life”.


    • Hi Tara, it’s great having easy ‘real life’ access to more lines, albeit somewhat olifactorily and financially dangerous… 🙂 Have been back to the counter since and spent a bit more time with Frapin, & Lubin (Idole! wow!). Fun!

      Tina x


  2. It was fun and informative thanks to Portia and Nick; always good to meet fellow perumistas as well. Thanks for the evening and for making these scents available here. 🙂


  3. What a fun night this was Tina. I was super glad you were there with your camera, ready to grab the action. What a shame they wouldn’t let you use the group photo, I loved it and thought we all looked like we were having a ball.
    Portia xx


    • oh Portia, thank you for your indulgence of the scent-intoxicated ‘having a ball’ antics, but I’m rather glad that pictorial proof isn’t reproduced here 🙂 x


  4. Hi Tina.
    Thank you for the post.  
    Thank you so much to Portia and Nick for organizing such a special event.

    It sure was a fun evening especially it was my first time meeting other perfume lovers.

    X… Tim 


    • Hi Tim, it was a pleasure to meet you, and share a few sniffs. You really know your stuff… It may have been your first meet up but I hope we see you around again!

      x Tina


      • Thank you for the kind words.
        I am blushing at the thought that I sound like as if I know something about perfume…

        I am sure you’ll see me around.
        X… Tim


  5. Great picture and article Tina! You guy are awesome and made my first fragrant meet up memorable. Thanks Portia for organizing the event. See you guys soon in the next meet! 🙂


    • Hey Brenda! It was absolutely lovely to meet you! definitely looking forward to seeing you again for more chats & sniffs at future meet ups – hopefully soon. 🙂

      x Tina


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