Fendi by Fendi 2004

Hello Sniffer Peeps,

Many years ago I wore Fendi Donna, wore it like a wall of fragrance, spritzed and spritzed. It was more than a signature scent, it was armor. Sadly it was discontinued, as so many of the greats are, and I bought all I could get my hands on and used it up. Because I freaking loved it so much. What a fragrance.

Then in 2004 Fendi launched a Fendi with a white saddle on the bottle and i thought they had re-released my long lost love. I spritzed it and was so let down that I walked away. This was not what I was expecting or wanted. Where was my screaming, fizzy, superpowered scent?! Too saddened by my let down to ever give Fendi 2004 a chance. Until one day a couple of years ago my friend Cassandra had a bottle of it on her sale list. I’ll buy it, said I and buy it I did.

Fendi by Fendi 2004

Fendi 2004 Fendi  FragranticaPhoto Stolen Fragrantica

Fragrantica gives these featured accords:
Top: Freesia, Tunisian neroli, Sicilian mandarin
Heart: Iris, tiare flower, gardenia
Base: Amber, sandalwood, vanilla

You are dreaming. It’s the most lavish greenhouse in a tropical paradise. As you wander though you pass citrus in flower and fruit, bulbs are being forced in pots and the profusion of flowers is both heady and mesmerising, all so perfect it smells totally unreal. Warm and sensual as you wander through in your sarong your calves and knees brush the gardenia flowers on their bushes and you can reach out and pluck the gloriously outrageous tiare flowers and smoosh them right into your nose. If your dreams had an olfactory facet, this Fendi from 2004 is exactly what it would smell like.

Fendi 2004 is sweet but not sugary or bakery style, it is sweet flowers with that fabulous vanilla/amber wash running through the bouquet creating a very elegant warmth over all and really giving that tropical feeling. Like you’ve been plucked from your life and landed in a Paul Gauguin painting.

Fendi 2004 Fendi Paul_Gauguin Three_Tahitians WikiCommonsPhoto Stolen WikiCommons

Quite a noticeable fragrance but not a BWF, just a beautiful tropical wash that will float you away to another place and time…..

Universal Perfumes & Cosmetics have $80/50ml

Am I glad that Fendi 2004 is in my collection? Yes. Will I search out another bottle when this one is empty? No. Very pretty, super wearable but a little synthetic smelling. No, I have nothing against synthetic fragrances but this has a cheapish, drugstore feel about it more reminiscent of a Paris Hilton price range than a Fendi one.

Did you try it when it was available? Is there a Fendi fragrance that you love?
Portia xx

13 thoughts on “Fendi by Fendi 2004

  1. Do you know what I would give to find myself in a Gauguin painting right now? This doesn’t sound like the scent that would take me there, since I tend to be sensitive to that drugstore-floral note, but you have inspired me to look over my white florals and see what will get me there. Something with that vanilla-amber underlay that makes me curl up and purr.
    BTW, would love to hear from you and your readers about other favorite tropical white florals.


    • Hello FeralJasmine,
      Thank you for introducing me to the Olivine line of lovely white floral fragrances. The first Olivine as well as She Belongs There have become favorites. I have a long list of much loved tropical white florals, I don’t even know where to begin…
      Azar xxx


      • I am so glad that you liked the Olivine! I love the original, although some of the others don’t work for me, and I don’t think I’ve ever tried She Belongs There. Must remedy that.


  2. Hi Portia… Glad you are enjoying this so much.. I love the original Fendi Donna as well.. Made me feel sophisticated… xoxo


    • Hey Cassandra,
      It’s taken me so long to get around to reviewing this baby. Yes, it was a good choice.
      Portia xx


  3. Hi Portia,
    I am still holding tight to a half full 1985 bottle of Fendi Fendi, a long ago gift from one of my son’s girlfriends. I’ve loved this Fendi since first spray and the old bottle still smells great. A few years ago I tried the first Fan de Fendi. I found it a very nice, if generic, white noise type of fragrance. Maybe I will revisit that one when I return to the land of vintage.
    Azar xx


    • Azar I thought I’d answered this, oh well WP playing tricks I think.
      Yes, original Fendi donna was one of favourite going out frags. HUGE!
      Portia xx


  4. I’ve never had the pleasure of trying this one but now I am rabid! I had quite the love affair with Theorema when I was a child, the Fendi perfumes have always held a very special place in my heart since. Thank you for the wonderful review!


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