Blackwater Thistle GIVEAWAY WINNER


Post by Portia


Hey Hey APJ,

Firstly, THANK YOU to our incredibly generous guys at Criminal Elements who supplied this sample of Blackwater Thistle, Corey Newcombe and Aelfrik Spektor. Do please go to the Criminal Elements site and get your freaky sniff on some of their stuff. It will blow your mind.

Secondly, let’s see who our winner is.

Portia xx

Blackwater Thistle GIVEAWAY WINNER

Blackwater Thistle by Criminal Elements Melancholy Thistle GeographPhoto Stolen Geograph

Criminal Elements give these featured accords in one line:
Grass, violet, moss, soil, bullrush, thistle


This week we will have 1 winner who will receive:
1 x Blackwater Thistle pre-release sample
P&H Anywhere in the world


Entries Closed Thursday 10th Septembert 2015 10pm Australian EST
Winner was chosen by

Winner cemre-ile-herteldenPhoto Stolen cemre-ile-hertelden


The winner will have till Sunday 13th September 2015 to get in touch (portia underscore turbo at yahoo dot com dot au) with their address or the prize will go to someone else.
No responsibility taken for lost or damaged goods in transit.