3 Best 2016 Fragrance Buys




Hello Fragrant Family,

We have suddenly jumped into 2017 and we’ve had some time to reflect. I’ve been madly going through my fragrance wardrobe to find things that need to be culled. Already 31 full bottles and some excess lotions have found new homes and I’m pretty chuffed about that. Hopefully I can sell or gift at least another 70 so my cull will reach 100.

Obviously the cull will merely make space for more fragrances. It’s a vicious cycle and Scott & I have a theory that it’s the hunting & buying that brings me the most pleasure anyway. Especially the vintage stuff.

Anyway, in my cleanup I’ve found a bunch of my 2016 fragrant purchases and was wondering which of them I get the most wear and enjoyment from.

3 Best 2016 Fragrance Buys

Here are my regulations for the choice:
1: Only bought in 2016, release or manufacture date irrelevant.
2: Must be a bottle, can be used or new at purchase time.
3: Can not be a backup
4: Can not be a replacement

So here are my 3 Best 2016 Fragrance Buys


Morn To Dusk by Eau d’Italie: 
Fragrantica gives these featured accords:
Top: Bergamot, lily of the valley
Heart: Vanilla
Base: Musk

Crunchy vanilla with a few bells & whistles. Probably too simple for most perfumistas and could very easily be a perfect ambient scent rather than fine fragrance but I love it. So warm and enveloping. It really does last from Morn To Dusk too and goes through some cool to warm and then lightly fleshy to end.

Le Jardin de Monsieur Li Hermes FragranticaFragrantica

Monsieur Li by Hermès:
 gives these featured accords in one line:
Kumquat, jasmine, mint

I know. Most of you didn’t adore this baby. JCEs Hermès swansong, but it smells good on me and people notice it and comment favourably. It is the perfect spritz and go, or spritz and sit. Today I wore it while paying bills and it kept me calm as my available cash reserves dwindled. No mean feat.

Sang Bleu Le Galion FragranticaFragrantica

Sang Bleu by Le Galion: 
Fragrantica gives these featured accords:
Galbanum, orange, bergamot, lemon, wormwood, rosemary, eucalyptus, geranium, jasmine, rose, violet, pink pepper, carnation, cedar, patchouli, sandalwood, vetiver

The Le Galion crew make wonderful fragrances. Why the hell isn’t EVERYONE madly in love with their shit? Sang Bleu is as perfectly composed as the rest of the line, smells great but not challenging and lasts well throughout a hectic day. Not to mention how lovely the bottles are visually and tactilely. Sang Bleu is a unisex cologne loaded for romance.

So of all my fragrant buys in 2016 these three have the most air in them and are most regularly used around the house on personal scenting time.
What are your 3 Best 2016 Fragrance Buys?
Portia xx


24 thoughts on “3 Best 2016 Fragrance Buys

  1. for me, the three may be Gucci III, Burberry Touch for Him vintage version, and Shiseido Feminite du Bois Parfum version.


    • Hi Fazal,
      First time I’ve seen Burberry Touch for Men being mentioned.
      I had to drag out my old bottle (2002?) and did a quick spritz to remind me why I liked it many moons ago.
      Thank you.


  2. Oh Lord. I bought like a gazillion minis/decants in 2016and only three bottles – and one of the FBs was a backup of Safari, which I adoooore, and one of the FBs was an impulse $10 on-vacation-in-Hawaii Plumeria cologne thing which is really more like body spray or room spray (i.e., kinda cheap and cheesy).

    The other FB was Teo Cabanel Early Roses and it’s gorgeous. We could maybe count my 20ml decant of Chanel 1932?


    • Mals86,
      You are discretion itself when buying fragrance. I will get to that one year soon hopefully.
      I really like Teo Cabinel and have bought quite a few of their fragrances in the original bottle sales they had last year. Didn’t get Early Roses though. Colour me intrigued.
      Portia xx


      • It’s currently a bit warm for it here in Sydney but as soon as the temp drops I’m going to be a caramel/vanilla crunchy crackly thing again. MMMMM
        Portia xx


  3. My 3 best 2016 fragrances of which I am proud that I have in my collection are:


    • HA! You were ever only mildly affected by rules Val and always pushing the envelope. It’s one of the reasons we are friends.
      Portia xx


  4. 1)Heure Exquise
    2) Safran Troublant
    3) No 5 Eau de Cologne

    Portia, I ordered about 4 little decants from Le Galion and I loved them all! I haven’t tried Sang Bleu yet.


  5. 1. Charenton Macerations, Christopher Street
    2. VC&A – Collection Extraordinaire Rose Velours
    3. PdN – Cuir Cuba Intense

    I’ve worn them all a lot and will probably do so in 2017 until I use them up (hahaha, hardly possible).


  6. 1 – Parfum d`Empire Azemour Les Orangers. Bought this in Paris in December and I’ve worn it two or three times a week since then.
    2 – Hermes Un Jardin Sur Le Nil. Haven’t worn it since last summer though.

    That’s it. I got a handful of samples. And there are bottles I’d like to buy in extrait strength, but for the most part I’m trying to edit and downsize. I have a few bags of things I no longer want, but have no idea how to get rid of them.
    I still love perfume, but I’m just exhausted by the constant releases and the chase of finding the “one”.
    I also want to relocate and I feel it will be easier with fewer possessions.


  7. Looking forward to the cull, Portia 😉 x

    1. Arquiste Anima Dulcis (i feel gluttonously naughty when I have this on)

    2. Frederic Malle Portrait of a Lady (incredible; wore it for my 30th the first time I ever ate at Quay and will never forget)

    3. Serge Lutens Santal Majuscule (i liked this the least of my 4 SL’s this year – the rest were La Fille de Berlin, Ambre Sultan and Chergui – but it surprisingly grew on me!)


    • Hi Tracy, could you please tell me more about Portrait of a Lady? I filled a questionary at Frederic Malle’s website and received an answer that Portrait is a perfume which will fit me the best. So intrigued now))


      • Hi Anastasia! I took the same test months ago and never got a reply back from Frederic Malle 😦 Le Labo has a Proust Questionnaire too and I was matched with Labdanum and Patchouli.

        POAL on me is a regal, smoky, incense-powered rose. It’s a strong, powerful, sensual scent that lasts until the 2nd shower. I can’t wait for the weather to cool so I can wear it again.


        When I was a child, my devotedly religious mother forced us to pray the rosary during our travel from Manila city to our province in the North. It was a ritual I loathed. She had a collection of rosaries, and I always opted for the one that came from Rome which smelled like roses and church. POAL reminds me of that, without the fanaticism.


  8. Le Galion produces elegant perfumes and I hope they do well despite the lack of a marketing onslaught. I bought some mini-bottles and Snob was my favourite. Sang Bleu didn’t work for me, but it smells very nice on a friend so she has it now.


  9. Hi gorgeous.
    My best three 2016 perfume purchases were because of you (I can’t be blamed). The reason you are to blame is that they are all from Libertine Perfumerie and I wouldn’t have gone there if you didn’t tell me about them. XXX
    They are:
    – Journey (W) by Amouage
    – Philtre Ceylan by Atelier Cologne
    – Cuir X by La Parfumerie Moderne
    The first two were December purchases but I’ve been craving for Journey since its release. Philtre Ceylan is a lovely mix of cumin and tea and I’ve been wearing it regularly… even in the Sydney heat of late.
    Sorry for late reply.
    XXX… T


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