Sale Gosse by Fanny Bal for Frederic Malle 2017


Val the Cookie Queen


Greetings APJ Brats

Although the Sale Gosse was launched in 2017, it is only now that it has become semi-available.  Initially it could only be bought in Paris, and only earlier this year did it become available in some stores, London, Italy, and maybe somewhere in the US?  However you can now purchase it online from Frederic Malle.  I was informed by Malle in the Burlington Arcade, London that it would not be going into every Malle point-of-sale.  Which basically means you would have to buy it blind, and we never do that huh?

Sale Gosse by Fanny Bal for Frederic Malle 2017

Sale Gosse by Fanny Bal for Frederic Malle 2017

Tara of A Bottled Rose and I, Malle Babes that we are, took the chance to try it  when we were together in London earlier in the year and we have wanted it ever since.

Sale Gosse by Fanny Bal for Frederic Malle 2017 Tara Val

I still don’t have it.  I did not want to buy a whole bottle based on the memory only, at least not in this case.  I nabbed myself 20 mls from an Austrian über-perfumista friend who was kind enough to calm my lemming down.

“Dirty Brat” is the literal translation of Sale Gosse, and it was created by Fanny Bal, trainee/apprentice to Dominique Ropion.  It is not a scent created for kids, despite what you might read from people.  Those who bitched about Malle for targeting children for his 180 Euro perfume really ought to get a life, and inform themselves.  Rolls eyes.  Malle just asked the perfumer to create a scent representing childhood, an eau-de-cologne.  Hence the idea of a Malabar bubble gum note that we find so deliciously embedded in the middle notes.

Sale Gosse by Fanny Bal for Frederic Malle 2017 1

Top: Neroli oil, Bergamot, Petitgrain.  Middle; Narcisse Absolute, Rose, Violet. Base: Musc.

Sale Gosse Opens with a shit ton of pettigrain, neroli, bergamot, maybe some rosemary, classic EdC but I reckon pretty amped up.   The rose and violet veer off into the sweet juicy hint of the Malabar chewing gum it represents, a candied edge.  Perhaps the narcisse stops it from being oversweet.  It is so enchanting and it is at this point it morphs into a perfume for me, rather than an eau-de-cologne.  Wearing it now I see the cooler weather really bringing the rose out.  The musk base keeps the scent alive for hours on my skin, and is surprisingly sensual.  I have a feeling it will be as beautiful in winter as it is in summer.  I still want a bottle.  (It really is quite a rose scent, the photo below taken by Michaela Maringer, my decant from that very bottle.)



Did you all catch up on Portia’s  Saturday Question: What Is Your Guilty Fragrant Pleasure?


I do have a major idiosyncratic perfume behaviour, which didn’t quite fit in as a guilty pleasure and I will share it here quickly.  I cannot apply perfume without having shoes on my feet.  If I am not quite ready to go out then I put flip-flops on before spraying.  Always.   AND as I mentioned in the Saturday Question comments, I am a total perfume snob.  It has two advantages.  One, I have a very small collection, as most stuff does not make the grade.  Two, I always smell fabulous as I only wear the best.  Life way too short for crap.  All perfume opinions my own of course.

Bubble Gum Bussis



32 thoughts on “Sale Gosse by Fanny Bal for Frederic Malle 2017

    • Hi Honey 🙂 I definitely would not call myself glam. But we had a brilliant time in the Burlington Arcade store. It is a beautifully made fragrance, dunno if you would need to own it but I am sure you would like it. Bussis. xxxxx


      • I think I would describe you as totally hip!!! And I think that is awesome 🙂 I roll out of bed and roll out of the house and am lucky to even run a comb through my hair on non workdays…no makeup ever…just perfume …but you always look so put together…and I love the red lippie!

        Liked by 1 person

  1. That was such a good day in London, Val. We ARE Malle Babes, haha.
    20mls will give you plenty to decide if you “need” a full bottle. I’m not sure if it’s available as a travel spray, I have a feeling it’s not. I’m still looking for my perfect violet. Interesting that you find it rosy.
    I love that you need your shoes on before you spray!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Tara! Oh yes, that really was a fantastic day. We might to have as many as we would like, but when we do ….. No, it is not viable as a Tavel spray. As far as I have been told it will remaining 100mls. But I have no doubt they can change their mind at any time huh? Yes, quite a heavy rose in it I think. Check that out again. Yep, I absolutely have to have shoes on. Mwah. xxxx


  2. Total babes, the pair of you. Avec or sans Malle.

    That scent sounds delicious, except for the bubblegum. Oh, how I hate that shiny pink plastic smell. Cross that out and throw in some more narcissus and I’d be there.

    The shoes thing is hilarious. I take my shoes off the moment I walk through the front door, usually even before my coat comes off or the hurtling fuzz bomb grey cat gets stroked. But then, I’m sitting at home now in gym kit, bare feets, and Shem el-Nessim and feel fully dressed, so what do I know?

    P.s. Tara: have you tried Kerbside Violet from lush, or the harder to get in the UK Violet Empire from Christopher Brosius?

    Liked by 2 people

    • No Crikey. No. You might not like it, or even probably won’t like it, BUT there is no pink shiny plastic smell – not at all. I would love more narcissus too. I take my shoes off outside the front door, no one in Austria comes in the house with shoes on. And I am fine in bare feet with perfume, but it has to be applied with shoes on. Of course I could change that behaviour if I wanted to, but I don’t. I have done it for years. I need to look into that Violet Empire stuff ….. xxxxxx


  3. Hey Val! Hilarious that you need shoes on to spray perfume. I need socks on to fall asleep – even when the bedroom is 30+ degrees. You have made this perfume sound really interesting – even the bubblegum note.
    Sandra xo

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    • Socks in 30° is even funnier my dear. You know – they plant it into our minds, that it is bubblegum, so that is what we pick up on. But if you didn’t know, you wouldn’t. Try it if it ever comes your way. Nice to see you. 🙂 xo


    • Hey Diana! Don´t stress. Wait and see if it falls in your lap. It is quite gorgeous, but you can live without it. Especially as you live in a place that is a bit tough to find a lot of perfumes in! Hugs. Val xxxxxx


      • Frankly, we could live without all of our perfumes but where’s the fun in that :)? Still, that’s an inspiring review, I have to tip my hat, – I’ve read about Sale Gosse somewhere else but wasn’t tempted.


  4. Yup, once again the proof is in the perfume pudding! Scent twins indeed. I wore Sal Gosse through most of our PacNW cold spring, and it does indeed bloom like a MF’er in the cold weather. I hope folks aren’t turned off by the candy accord, this is really a grown-up scent and a great example of the talent of Fanny Bal, one of the most exciting young perfumers right now! Xoxo

    Liked by 2 people

    • Hey Mr FW!! Always a pleasure. 🙂 Did you? Ha! That confirms my theory that it will be really good in cold weather. I don’t really see it a a cologne. There again I am hardly a cologne profi. Yes, it is very grown up and it is not really a cndy accord huh? Not in a sweet and childish way that is for sure. I know you have a bottle …. I am not jealous. Why would I be? Mwah. xxxxxxxxxx

      Liked by 1 person

  5. The shoes thing amused me too. You are a one with your little ways. 😉 I have not tried this scent and it seems to be so many different things at once it has definitely got me curious to give it a sniff when I am in the right part of London again!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Hi V. 🙂 You should. You might like it, it’s worth a shot or a spritz. Hahahaha. Yes, I think the older we get, the more our little ways define us. And we don’t care. 🙂 xxxxxxx


  7. People thinking this was a perfume for children was driving me crazy, so thanks for clearing that up for the world! I smelled it recently but with too many other things so just give it an independent whirl.


    • Hi Amy! Seriously, people need to think a bit. Yeah, it needs to be sniffed alone, so hard to make a judgment when we are covered in a million things! Keep me posted. Hugs, Val. xxxxxx


  8. What a name for a scent! It males me think of those slightly provocative names used by ELdO, not a kid’s cologne. certainly.

    What kind of musk is it? You know musks and my nose don’t always agree, but it is a Malle so must be well made.


    • Hi Ingeborg! Oh it is well made, absolutely. Like you say, all the Malle´s are. I have not go the foggiest idea as to what kind of musk it is. No clue. I love the name, which iofcourse sounds so much better in French, xxxxx


  9. You make this sound lovely. But I don’t feel an extraordinary urge to seek it out. However, if I run into it in the future I will definitely give it a sniff….I love the smell of bubblegum 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hello Brigitte 🙂 I don’t think there is any need to stress trying to find this. But yeah, it is absolutely worth trying if you do get the chance, but what Malle isn’t? It will be interesting to see if they launch a 50ml or travel size at any point. One never knows! xxxx


  10. Well…. I was near Barney’s in Seattle today and…they have a tester of this!!!! I was happily sent home with a sample 🙂 Since we are going out with a perfume allergy friend tonight, I’ll be giving this a try tomorrow. I am sort of obsessed with Chowards Violet candies and gums – I wonder if this will have the same sort of impact?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hey ElizabethC! Cool that you got a sample. Hmmmm. I dunno if it will have any sort of candy impact. Had Malle not suggested the bubblegum vibe, would we have ever noticed it? Probably not! However it is a lovely cologne/Perfume. If you get the chance to share your thoughts – please pop back! Perfume allergy friend? Sigh. Hugs. xxxxx


      • It is lovely and I definitely would not have thought of candy/bubblegum if it hadn’t been suggested. In a way it reminds me of the Andy Tauer Vetiver and Petitgrain Splash, but with a slightly softer, warmer note.

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