Minimising Stress and Freak-Outs with Scent


Post by Suzanne R Banks


Hi there APJ,

If you are feeling stressed, anxious, or unable to cope as well as you usually do, then scent can help you. It is worth noting though, that if you are stressed, it can be really difficult to garner the energy to help yourself – even just a little bit.

Stress Ash Photoholic FlickrPhoto Stolen Flickr

Minimising Stress and Freak-Outs with Scent

In this case I still definitely recommend the use of essential oils, as their healing power is unstoppable, so to invite you to heal yourself, it’s best to use the easy methods which are:

1. Open The Bottle and Take a Huge Whiff

Self explanatory and easy! This may be enough to change your focus (even slightly), and hopefully help you to feel a bit better about things. This method is especially good if you are really freaking out.

2. Put A few Drops Of Oil into the bottom of the Shower

This works in a similar way to just taking a whiff straight from the bottle, but if you’ve got an extra minute, it will give you a completely different experience. Your whole body will be immersed in an essential oil steam. Energetically this will cleanse your aura and have a positive effect on your mind and emotions. Just cover the drain with a cloth or your foot for a couple of minutes, and breathe in the medicinal goodness.

3. Sample

Put a couple of drops onto a scarf, handkerchief or cotton pad and take it with you, or tuck it into your pocket, or your bra. The scent of the oil will help support you through the day, people will comment on how lovely the scent is (then you’ll feel slightly better about life in general), the energetic presence of the oil will bring a sense of calm, and it’s really easy too!

Others Stress SlowTechPhoto Stolen SlowTech

Minimising Stress and Freak-Outs of Others with Scent

If you can help a friend or a partner who is stressing or freaking out, you could employ these methods which are easy for you, but could be monumentally hard for your friend at a time of stress and unrest.Something this simple can help begin the turning around.

1. Nourishing body oil blend

Usually I say “For a coat of your body use 3 teaspoons of carrier oil in a little dish and, add 7 – 8 drops of essential oil. It’s always best to patch test first, before you apply all over.” But you could make this little blend and massage someone’s hands or feet to help them chill out.

***** Always put the drops of essential oil into the bottle or dish first, then add the carrier oil. It gives the scents time to create a synergistic fusion.

For a 50ml bottle of oil add 25 drops and see my articles “Ratios for Blending Essential Oils – A Reminder of the Basics” and “Aromatherapy – It’s Easy as 1 2 3”

2. Scent Their Space

Use 25 drops of oil In a traditional oil burner with a candle, or a diffuser, in your friend’s personal space to help them feel more comfortable. It is easy for you, but could be too much for them at this moment.
A drop of oil can be essential

A drop of oil can be essential

Which oils?

Bergamot – calm, relieve mild anxiety

Chamomile – calming, soothing, medicinal

Cinnamon – sweetness, love what you do for work

Fennel – be kind to yourself

Frankincense – breathe deeply and relax

Geranium – cheery, helps improve downward spiraling moods

Lavender – calm, solidarity and strength

Lemon – gentle, refreshing

Marjoram – grief, emotional pain relief

Rose – Queen of oils to help with all stress issues

Rosewood – flow of love in the heart centre

Vetiver – absolute grounding, cooling to the hot emotions, stops kid’s tantrums

Ylang Ylang – release anger and frustation


…. and really, any oil that you love and can help you (or your friend) out.

Good luck.

Best wishes.


Remember to treat yourself first, then everyone will benefit.

Suzanne R Banks xx

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(Ed: CONGRATULATIONS to Suzanne whole blog Suzanne R Banks just hit 150,000 views. Nice one my friend. XXX)

copyright suzanne


Revelation! My new book out now

Please check out my new book REVELATION! – Reveal Your Destiny with Essential Oils

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7 thoughts on “Minimising Stress and Freak-Outs with Scent

  1. Hey Suzanne,

    Thank you for the wonderful post! Having worked the weekend and then three 12-14 hour days and an hour and a half commute on top I’m stressed as! I need all those blends right now. Just wishing I had some lavender oil for my pillow as well.

    M x


    • Thanks Madeleine, are you a Nurse? They sure are long shifts so I’s sure the essential oils will help keep you on track and safe. If you have a long drive try sniffing rosemary straight from the bottle it will help you to keep focused on the trip. And yes, lavender as a relaxer is a must have. I’ll send you some energetically x


  2. Hey Buddy,
    Another fabulous post. I love these ideas and REALLY need some relief.
    Overwhelmed relief really, I don’t often get stressed, it’s more about trying to find a way through the seemingly insurmountable challenges I give myself.
    Scent helps.
    Portia xx


  3. Hi Suzanne,
    I always look forward to your interesting and extremely helpful posts. I wanted to have your advice available at my fingertips everyday and so purchased your book on Amazon. I am enjoying it so much! It is beautifully written, inspirational and a great reference as well.
    Azar xx and X


    • Wow Azar thanks so much!!!! Thanks for always taking the time to comment too I really appreciate it. The book is slightly different to my posts so I hope you will still stay tuned. Best wishes for a great year x


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