Mood Scent 4: Floral Fragrances




Hey there APJ,

It’s Mood Scent 4 week. WOO HOO! With the first Monday of the month the crew are looking at floral fragrance. It’s a broad and deep selection and winnowing it down to best in show has been  big deal for me. These choices are subject to change, daily. Can’t wait to read about your favourite florals in the comments too.

So excited to be blogging with these three superstars again:  Esperanza L’Esperessence, Megan Megan In Sainte Maxime and Samantha I Scent You A Day. Check theirs out too.


Mood Scent 4: Floral Fragrances

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Scent Diary: 14.10 – 20.10.2019




Hey there APJ Crew,

This week has been interesting. Pretty chill apart from one major meltdown and the horror/shame/self loathing that came after. Loads of perfume, some outings with friends, art, food and shopping PLUS the Australian launch of Hermetica perfumes. Anna Maria and I spent a day wandering Sydney’s perfume and art, that was cool.
Not a huge week but a fun one.

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