Royal Bain De Caron EdT by Ernest Daltroff for Caron 1941

Hello Frag Hags,

I love a fragrancce that comes with a could-be-true story. It’s a great ice breaker, predisposes me to want to like the frag and lets me know some reasons why it may smell like it does. Anybody not frag obsessed, or a Perfume Bore as my BFF calls me when I get started, will think that I’m mental but it does give perspective and added interest, for me anyway. Just so you know I am reviewing a modern iteration 125ml EdT that cost me less than some 3ml decants I’ve bought recently.

Royal Bain de Caron by Caron 1941

RoyalBainDeCaron FragranticaPhoto Stolen Fragrantica

Fragrantica gives these featured accords:
Top: Lilac, rose
Heart: Opoponax, benzoin, incense
Base: Sandalwood, amber, musk, vanilla, cedar

This post was inspired by BoisDeJasmin: Simple Summer Pleasures: Cologne Bath. I was so impressed by the idea of putting a couple of tablespoons of cologne into the bath and remembered reading about how this was designed for some millionaire, at a time when that meant something, who wanted his bath to smell like the champagne (Champagne was the original name but the word became unusable)  he had been bathing in. So it was an easy match, even though Royal Bain de Caron is an EdT it doesn’t matter. Remember, when I read this in the Northern Hemisphere it was summer but down here in Oz we were in the grip of winter and I wanted something not quite so fresh and light for my bath.

Royal Bain de Caron opens with a sparkling, warm, boozy richness that is more like cognac than champagne but it’s probably a hark back to the days of champagne being super dooper sweet. The vanilla, amber and sandalwood all give a spectacular overture which then leads to a very sweet amber-ish floral bouquet that merely hints at the lilac and rose in the notes list because all the resins completely engulf the florals on my skin. Almost linear after the first rush and decidedly unisex, it smells darker, richer and spicier on TSO Jin than it does me. If I spritz myself after the bath with a decanted atomiser of Royal Bain de Caron the fragrance life is around 5-7 hours depending on the day and remains warm and inviting to the very end.

A great statement fragrance, warm and sparkling. I think too fragrant for office work and definitely way too in your face for perfume-phobic workplaces, still it would not be overly intrusive for recreational closeness like theatre, cinema or dinner.

TheBath AlfredStevens Art.comTheBath by AlfredStevens Stolen

Further reading EauMG and PerfumeSmellingThings
FragranceNet has 125ml/$28 BARGAIN!!
ThePerfumedCourt starts at $3/ml

Do you like to be completely and utterly decadent sometimes? What is your favourite way to feel ridiculously luxe on a budget?

Hopefully the world is giving you lemonade.
Till tomorrow,
Portia xx

16 thoughts on “Royal Bain De Caron EdT by Ernest Daltroff for Caron 1941

  1. Cologne bath…mmmm…
    What other scents would you recommend, I’m assuming you don’t dump in your Amouage??
    BTW there is no such thing as a perfume bore. So there.


    • Ha Ha HA! JackieB,
      That is very kind but I can see my friends eyes glaze over sometimes and i stop myself.
      So many great colognes you can use but I like the really old fashioned ones like Tabac Original, 4711 or any sample or decant that you only mildly liked. Juicy Couture’s Dirty English Splash is another good one. Remember those fragrances you bought and liked a bit but never wear? A dozen squirts of those in the bath will make it smell good and clear up some cupboard space for stuff you really love in no time.
      Portia xx


  2. A nice relaxing perfumed bath sounds wonderful. I haven’t taken the time to do anything decadent for myself lately. Life’s been a bowl of lemons and I have no sugar or time to make lemonade. I do love hearing about fragrant bargains because I’m a sucker for a cheap perfume thrill.


    • I’m sad to hear that it’s all shit where you are poodle. I hope this is the trough and it all gets better from here.
      You should pencil in some pamper time, one lovely half hour a day can make the other 23.5 hours bearable.
      Portia xx


  3. A boozy bath sounds delightful. This post makes me want to run to the Caron shop on my sniffing trip to
    N.Y.C! I’ve only sniffed a sample of
    Farnesiana and Aimez Moi, but it was LOVE and my samples are long gone.
    I’ll have to try this bath idea. I’ll
    improvise with Serge Lutens. Thanks
    for this great blog Portia! Your bored
    friends with the glazed eyes don’t know
    what they’re missing. Keep sniffing!


  4. OTT. Read Victoria’s post too and at the time thought it unnessary and self indulgent then caught myself arising from an Encre Noire tub the very same night. Have you noticed how when people get on a high horse they inevitably fall off the the other side? Wishing you 100,000 Nuit de Noels to cherish Portia.


  5. I’m a bore (and not in the perfume field): remembering truely hard times in my life, ever since I started having “means” I’ve been trying to leave below them. So even when I do something more extravagant, spendy, call it decadent if you want, it’s still within my means since I never feel a need to indulge myself beyond that. Most likely, it just means that my life is too comfortable as is. But – in my “defence” – I do value that and consider myself lucky.

    Merry Christmas, dear Portia! (just in case you do not publish tomorow or I do not have time to comment 🙂 ).


  6. I have bathed in Royal Bain De Caron! And I like it better as a bath perfume than straight out of the bottle on my skin. It was fun too! And the bathroom smelled wonderful! I highly recommend it.


  7. Pingback: Remarkable People by Quentin Bisch + Cecile Matton for Etat Libre d’Orange 2015 « AustralianPerfumeJunkies

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