Scent Diary: 30.12 – 5.1.2020




Hey there APJ Crew,

We hit a new decade, Australia burned, temperatures soared and I had four glorious days to myself. So much beautiful perfume worn, saw some mates, ate some grub and watched some Netflix. Pretty good staycation. I’m feeling revived.

Scent Diary: 30.12 – 5.1.2020

Monday 30:

BLOODY HELL! It’s muggy! Woke in a pool of my own juices.

SOTMorning: Scent by Costume National

Cleaning up this morning after out triumphant 12 person sit down dinner last night. It was awesome.

Benjamin and Andreas popped over. They are new to Sydney guys. Moved back after years of travelling for work. I had completely forgotten asking them so it was a Mid-Clean visit. They were so cool about it.

Continued cleaning. All clothes & linens washed and hung by 3pm. Hopefully even in this humidity they will dry by this evening. Having dusted, vacuumed and polished the house for guests last night it was a breeze to get everything ship shape. Thank goodness because it’s too hot to work hard.

Watched some GRIMM on Netflix! It’s being taken off on Jan 5 so there’s nearly two full seasons I need to get done by then.

SOTAfternoon: Rose Barbare by Guerlain. My newest. It’s freaking gorgeous. MMMMMMM

Hung out with Jin when he got home. He is so cute. Called me as he was leaving work to tell me how hungry he was and could I have dinner ready in 25 minutes when he got home. He did it in a really thoughtful, non pushy or expectant kind of way. Who could resist.

We watched the last couple of episodes of Netflix ATYPICAL together too. Excellent series. Well worth a squiz.

SOTBed: Russian Tea by Masque Milano

Tuesday 31:

Up and walked the dogs through the muggy heat. It feels kind of oppressive today.

SOTMorning: Black Perfecto by Guerlain

Jin needed to go get some results from the doctor. I rode along and did some grocery shopping and had a leisurely cup of coffee at the mall. It was nice. Poor boy had to wait 50 minutes to be seen, even though he had an appointment.

Home and my fragrance has wafted off into the heat. We put the moisture removing AC setting on. The apartment is blissfully cooler now and drier.

I paid all my outstanding bills today. Gas, Electricity, Road Service and Car Insurance. Going into 2020 with ZERO bills except for a medium amount on the credit card.

NOT going out tonight. I donated money to WIRES. WIldlife REscue Service, especially needy after all the destruction the drought and fires have caused.
It’s a good feeling.

SOTAfternoon: 4711 Remix Cologne. ALL the citrus. MMMMMMMM

Did some computer stuff. Packed up a PPP to send to Marian. Went to the Post Office again. TinaG and I thought we were buying incredibly well priced CdG Incense fragrances but they turned out to be INCENSE STICKS! Had to send them back to the UK, $41 later! Bloody hell. Did a little more grocery shopping for my ENORMOUS cheese platter this evening.

Thank everything the heat is starting to abate. 44C was just a smidge too hot for this delicate flower.

Home. Computer. Chilled out.

SOTEvening: Shalimar!! Vintage extrait and Ode de Shal-Lemur.

Alice & Kath arrived. We had the chillest, chattiest evening. They stayed till about 11pm. We had champagne with the 9pm fireworks on TV. I got to have my cheese platter with all the trimmings and it was wonderful.

Midnight came while I was on the phone to Jin. Called Varun in India next. Sent a few Happy New Year texts.


Dogs fed and walked around 1am. Waited till the threat of fireworks was done.

Wednesday 1:

Woke at around 10am. Slept like dead people.

SOTMOrning: A Quiet Morning by Miller et Bertaux. Calming woods and stuff, perfect to ring in the new year.

Walked the dogs in the warm, but not blistering yet, sunshine. Also took the moulting hair stripping comb. For some reason Paris is moulting HEAPS this year, I’m pulling out great wads of it every week. The birds love it though.

Just realised I’ve been alive in 7 decades! 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, 00s 10s, 20s! Pretty impressive at only 51 years old!

Jin woke up around 1pm. Made us traditional Korean New Years Day Dumpling Soup. BLOODY DELICIOUS!

We watched some The Good Place on Netflix.

Fell asleep together on the couch, all smushed up, under the fan.

SOTAfternoon: 1957 by CHANEL

We took the bikes out to fill up their tyres and get the cobwebs out from the engines. It was gorgeous in the cooler air of evening.

Back home and I started the cleaning up of the garage. Getting rid of all the business stuff pre 2013. I thought Scott and I had dome a good job last year but it seems we were very crap and hardly got any out. I’m finding stuff as far back as 2003. YIKES! My big idea is to remove enough crap that we can get rid of one of the shelving units, creating more space for our bikes and then Jin will also be able to put his car in the garage with mine.

Jin got a call to work overtime tomorrow. It’s a 5am start so he hit the hay almost immediately.

SOTNight: Pichola by Neela Vermeire Creations. Damir is wearing Mohur Extrait, Val is wearing Mohur EdP and I wanted to fit in but be different. Pichola is a perfect heat beater.

Watched some GRIMM!

Organised some papers for Jin to take to work tomorrow and shred.

Spent an hour faffing on social media that felt like 10 minutes. GAK!

Thursday 2:

Woke up around 9am. Grabbed my beautiful greyhound Paris and cuddled him for a while.

SOTMorning: Dangerous Complicity by Etat Libre d’Orange

Computer for a while. Saw this and had a chuckle.

Walked the dogs in the glorious, dry, clear heat. Amazing for me. Probably terrible for the fire conditions. So many millions of hectares of bushland lost, homes, lives of animals and people. All to save some money in the budget. The amount of Australia on fire is about the size of Europe.


SOTAfternoon: Gold Man by Amouage. Sometimes you need to lean into the heat with a resinous aldehydic floral.

I am procrastinating from cleaning up the kitchen and watching GRIMM!

Kitchen clean.

Jin called and told me I’m making Spaghetti Bolognese for us for dinner and he will make garlic rye bread. He was at the shop buying the provisions. HA! Firmly told I’m not the maid and that I just cleaned the friggin’ kitchen, VERY excited for Spag Bol.

Made it for us but it was Spinach Fettuccini Bolognese with added silverbeet and capsicum for a little extra health. Jin’s Grainy Rye Garlic Bread was a triumph, he makes it with my balcony grown curly parsley.  (You might also note my Christmas gift from Gina, Ohio State napkins. They have been a huge talking point  at both the events they’ve come out at. Only one pair more after these. Thank you!)

Then I realised that while doing the cleaning today I wasn’t wearing my phone and my steps are only 1,300! Grabbed the dogs and walked 4, 200 steps. They are completely tuckered out.

Cleaned the kitchen AGAIN without my bloody phone. So, while my phone says around 5,500 I reckon my score is much closer to 7k. Damnit!

SOTNight: Boronia by Grandiflora.

Watched GRIMM till late.

SOTBed: Bronze Goddess by Estee Lauder

Friday 3:

It’s freaking hot.

SOTMorning: New Traditions by ETRO.

Walking the dogs this morning was a very sweaty affair. Came home drenched. It is hot and steamy out there.

Went downstairs to keep on cleaning the garage out. Got caught in a box of old photo albums that went from the 1920s all the way up to about 2008. So much family history all together in one box. I keep them there in case there’s a need to leave in a hurry. One box of memories to take. Four generations of photographs.

Came up for lunch. Watched some Grimm!

Went down to continue the garage but it’s just too hot. I took the dogs down with me and when a bunch of boxes fell from their position they let me know in no uncertain terms that their tenure in the garage was done.

SOTAfternoon: Geranium Pour Monsieur by Frederic Malle


Jin came home and made us a messy, delicious, veg filled frittata. YUM!

We went to the cinema and watched the new Jumanji. It’s cute. We laughed. It wasn’t amazing but it was a perfect bit of fluff. Seeing it in the cinema made it extra BIG.

Home. Dogs fed & walked.


SOTBed: Calypso by Robert Piguet

Saturday 4:

I’m awake. It’s 9am. Must have been snoring last night because my throat is dry as a statues titty.

SOTMorning: Oriental Mint by Phaedon

Dogs fed and walked in the humid heat.

Damnit! It’s too hot to function normally. How do people work?

Also, I keep crying about the devastation of Australia. WTF is wrong with these governments? Everyone is playing the 12 hour news cycle blame game and nobody is getting anything done. It really feels like the Hunger Games watching from the city.

SOTAfternoon: Mitsouko EdP. MMMM I smell amazing!

Jin and I spent the day inside. We watched the bushfires till I couldn’t stand it. Donated more money to the RFS, here’s the link to Celeste Barber’s Rural Fire Service Fundraiser. No matter where you are in the world you can donate simply through PayPal, who have waived all fees and charges.

It was stinking hot.

Then we watched Korean TV.

I did some blogging. Everything seems so insignificant in comparison to the fires.

Jin and I headed off to the Sydney Olympic Pools for a swim this evening. The water was unbelievably gorgeous. Wasn’t in long and someone vomited in the lap swimming pool. PANIC! Evacuations. The other pools were all too crowded so we fled.

This was the sky as we drove home. Taken from the car, no filter or tweaking at all. Australia is burning.

We got home and chilled. I have been on the computer. Jin is now fast asleep in the living room.

SOTEvening: Vintage Infini by Caron

Watched GRIMM! till I started falling asleep on the couch.

Cleaned teeth, drank water.

SOTBed: Eau de Sud by Annick Goutal. Beautiful, tropical citruses shine through in this heat.

Sunday 5:

Woke up to a much less intensely hot day. Still a sweaty, dry mouthed mess and a bit disoriented.

SOTMorning: Eau de Sud by Annick Goutal again. It’s so gorgeous in the heat and I smell beautiful.

What Celeste Barber has done is amazing in two days. No doubt. Raising nearly AUD$20m from the people of the world. Awe inspiring.
Can we go back and remember when Notre Dame burnt down? Within 24 hours US$650 million were raised.

BATHTIME in Rose Jam!

SOTEvening: Rose Barbare by Guerlain

Went and hung out with Anna Maria and her family before work tonight. They were having a 2020 welcoming party. It was excellent fun.

Work was pretty quiet. We had a great time though.

Home and Jin is organising our November Europe trip. We are taking his parents over to see Jinki and the kids.

Walked the dogs.

Chatted with Neela Vermeire.

Ready for bed now.

SOTBed: Iris Tubereuse by Creed


It’s YOUR turn. What’s happening in your world?

Did you do anything Fragrant, Fun, Friends, Family or even had some less than Fabulous news you want to share? Now’s the time, in the comments below.
We love to read what’s happening to YOU.
Portia xx

24 thoughts on “Scent Diary: 30.12 – 5.1.2020

  1. We had a lovely mostly quiet Christmas break, back to work tomorrow. Wore my recent favourites, Lustre, Liquid Dreams, Unter den Linden. I was commando yesterday but kept smelling something gorgeous…it was Sables on my cashmere jumper which I wore weeks ago!
    I am so sad for the disaster that is striking Australia, especially as it seems human stupidity and shortsightedness is (part of?) its cause (isn’t it almost always). I donated to the charities you suggested here, thank you for bringing them to my attention, Lots of strength and fortitude for everyone affected!


    • Hi Hamamelis,
      Hope your work year is satisfying and profitable.
      OOOH! Sables! Such a beautiful scent. Even now. I have a new bottle and it’s a little less ferocious but smells fantastic.
      Thank you so much for your generosity. Australia and its wildlife thanks you heartily.
      Portia xx


  2. It’s absolutely awful what is happening in Australia. Really puts things in perspective.
    My goodness the size of that Masque Milano bottle!! The bottles now look about one quarter the size and price has risen to almost 150 USD.
    I received a new years present from a fragrant sister so I spent the early part of my week doing some ferocious and utterly mental speed sampling. Back to work Thursday so wore Winter Woods and sandalwood oil the rest of the week. I may stick with this combo for a while.
    Currently watching Occupied on Netflix. Really wish I could get Grimm but I think Netflix offers different shows in different countries.
    Will be a busy week coming up with early starts and four late nights.


    • Heya Brigitte,
      Yes, Australia is burning due to poor governance.
      HA! That bottle was from the final sale of that size. I really should have bought more of them at the fabulous price.
      HA! I love how hard you sample. Ferocious and mental! Heaven.
      They just took GRIMM! off our Netflix. I only have three episodes to go last night and Jin had occupied the TV. At 12.30am I tried to turn it on and GONE! Aghast.
      Portia xx


  3. Firstly, thank you for the link to support those fundraisers. I have donated to the wildlife one but can’t get into Celeste’s one as it’s done through Facebook and I’m not on that. I will see if I find a direct link to it. I’ve been following what’s happening on the news for weeks. My heart is sore. There was one little snippet that made me lol though. Your PM was visiting one of the poor outlying towns and let’s just say he didn’t get a warm reception from the locals. I won’t post what was said here. But I was cheering them on. Anyway, back to business😉
    You had a kind of relaxing few days, sorely needed, I’ll bet. Just hanging with friends and eating is one of the best revivers. No drama, low key. Tell Jin to watch his back because he’s gonna be kidnapped and he won’t see me coming! That bread looks delicious. Why the hell didn’t I marry a man who can cook? Your frags were gorgeous too, I’ll have to see if I can get a sample of Rose Barbare, it’s getting a ton of love everywhere. The first of my little gifts to myself arrived this week, Sylvaine Delacourte sample sets. My Fidji du Soir will arrive in a couple of days. And err I may have bought a travel spray of Electric Rhubarb last night😏 Had a lovely week, few days away followed by hibernation at home since Thursday. Back to work this evening. Ready for some small bit of routine again.


    • Hey Cassieflower,
      Thank you so much for your generosity. Australia thanks you heartily.
      Oh yes, Aussies will definitely let loose in a bad situation. They used EVERY word in the Urban Dictionary. Our PM really has earned their ire. Though the problem has been systematic for years.
      Ha! I will let Jin know he is being hunted as a house trophy. He’ll be thrilled.
      Next time you win remind me to send you some Rose Barbare. It is fabulous.
      YAY! For fragrant shopping and arrivals.
      Enjoy going back to work.
      Portia xx


  4. It breaks my heart about the fires. But now an annoying nag alert: please please tell me you’ve digitized those old family photos & saved/sent them to multiple physical/cloud places. Sometimes there’s just not time to grab the treasure box.
    Scentwise, it’s been all about oils: Attar Bazaar Egyptian Sandalwood, Tunisian Amber, Persian Amber; Bourbon French Musk; Madini Ambergris. They last longer in the blessed low humidity.
    Best to all in the new year & praying for steady rain for Oz.


    • Hey JulieF,
      Most of those photos have been uploaded. Interestingly, during my upload process to facebook a few years ago I got kicked of the platform for a couple of weeks (yeah, it was a big drama). I stopped the uploading then and never restarted. Thanks for the reminder.
      OOOOH! You’ve been smiling amazing.
      We all praying for rain.
      Portia xx


  5. I have also just donated to WIRES Australia. I’ve watched the burning on the news, and your report has left a deep ache in my gut. It’s kind of you to post the donation links for awareness. Thinking of all of the suffering brings me to tears. Every New Year’s Eve I also send a donation to ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals), they do good work.
    Your staycation sounds amazing Portia, and I agree there is nothing better than staying home with friends while enjoying a cheese platter! Bliss!
    I am blessed to be the recipient of an incredible fragrant package which will keep me sniffing, exploring, learning, and smelling wonderful!


    • Hey Kathleen
      Thank you so much for your generosity. Australia and its wildlife thanks you heartily.
      It makes me feel so good giving something to help the less fortunate. A win/win.
      Staycation was exactly what the doctor ordered. I think I’ll be doing that again.
      Woo Hoo for fragrant packs. You will be wafting
      Portia xx


  6. Your meals always sound delicious. I wish I could try them! But, it was so cool to see a little of Ohio there in my stead. These fires are breaking my heart. I am so sorry this is happening in U.S. and Australia. The world is going mad. Hugs to you for a blessed New Year, Portia!


    • P.S. And those napkins are the emblem from Ohio State University’s college American football team. They are the Ohio State Buckeyes because the buckeye tree is our state tree. I am not a footballer or sports fan but when they play, people all wear red. And, their big rival is Michigan State. Arch enemies. LOL

      Liked by 1 person

    • GinaT,
      If you get yourself to Australia there will definitely be a seat at our table for you. It was the BEST talking point for dinners through the new year. Thank you. Excellent present.
      Hugs right back to you.
      Portia xx


  7. We had a nice quiet end to the holiday season and I’m feeling relieved it’s over. Lovely sun and cool temps here in San Diego. Despite recurrent and annoying insomnia I feel pretty upbeat about the new year. Big flurry of bill-paying and financial stuff to take care of. Other than that, lots of sampling. I want to eliminate my sample pile asap and just wear the things I own and love.


  8. Oh Portia the dinner party was great!!
    Love,your smells all week despite the heat and the smoke!
    So much disaster all round , people the animals!!! Yes lots of blaming all round, it’s interesting how people on sidelines reacting!!
    Jin is a great cook for real and the best !!!
    Happy new year Barry and Yvette, you make me smile xxx


    • Anna Maria,
      I’m so grateful that you’re in my life, and your family.
      That dinner party was one of the best we’ve had. Everyone had conversation and was interested.
      HA! We are the best Barry and Yvette on a cruise EVER! I’m still laughing about that. We are idiots. I think we have not seen better days because these are it.
      Portia xx


  9. Happy new year everyone! I spent last week in Canberra trying to breathe through the smoke and trying to care for ancient parents. I did catch up with friends but it was bittersweet as they were evacuated from the south coast. The situation makes me sad and angry (sangry?)
    Am so grateful for APJ in many many ways. Xxx


  10. I knew Scott Morrison is bad but I severely underestimated the guy. The closest thing to Trump is maybe not Boris Johnson but Scott Morrison. All these climate change deniers. especially those in positions of power, are the greatest threat to mankind and exactly what the term “enemies from within” refers to. Morrison’s response to the fires felt like a deja vu because this is exactly what NRA and its lackeys do in the U.S. every time there is a mass shooting.


  11. It saddens me to see our beautiful world, our home, in such dire straits., Governments and the people need to fix it now, before it’s too late and it’s lost for good. They can all play the blame game later. Thoughts go out to everyone, and all creatures, affected by disasters the world over.,Even though it may not seem much, if everyone donated just a little, we could raise a lot., l have enjoyed reading about everyone’s festive fun, thanks for sharing. I’ve not had the best start to the year, but compared to some, I’m good. Added to that, usual work dramas, car problems and after trucking in water my pump has gone awol! Got to replace it, getting dark now, so that’s tomorrow’s job., Not in town water, just the tank and so have had to buy in those horrible plastic containers. No shower tonight, and worse still, in the heat, no flushing lavvies. Grimm is not the word for it Portia 🤣🤣🤣 Anyway, fixed the car and will sort pump tomorrow. House like an explosion rocked it and terrible upper back pain. At least when it hurts it reminds me that I’m alive ! Hope you all have a fantastic year and please let this be a year when sanity and common sense rules. Spritzed on some Tabu. After having to wash in a little basin of water, I figured it would help keep things sweet around here. Xxx


    • Hey Alexandra,
      Bloody hell, tanks are a punish in drought. We are so spoiled in the metro but I did spend some holiday time on family sheep & wheat farms around Temora as a kid, so I understand the drill.
      Bloody hell, you’re getting hit after hit.
      Good luck with it all. At least you smell ravishing in Tabu.
      Portia xx


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