CQ Snippets From The Week That Was.


Val the Cookie Queen


Hi there y’all

Been an active couple of weeks here in the heart of the Austrian Salzkammergut.  We are busy moving apartments.  Amazing how much crap there is to throw away after living in one place for twenty-five years.  Luckily we are only moving about 400 meters away, so we have been steadily taking the stuff that we want to keep and setting the place up.  Once we have moved in we have two months to clear this place out.  We are serial renters.  Having chose to live an – uhm – rather wayward life up until our early thirties, we have never been a position to buy.   We already own the home that my husband grew up in, as his parents put it into our names about fifteen years ago, so renting is just fine.  His parents will continue to live in it until they turn their toes up.  And when it is eventually properly ours we will not have to pay inheritance taxes or whatever.  Planning ahead.

CQ Snippets From The Week That Was.


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What Exactly is Heavy Rotation for a Perfumista? CQ’s Summer Scents.


Val the Cookie Queen


Well hello there APJ

I recently read a post from one of my favourite UK bloggers, where he mentioned that he had a certain perfume in heavy rotation.  I found this highly amusing and dropped him a message asking what exactly heavy rotation meant.  “Twice” he replied, which was one more time than I thought he would say.

I was totally inspired by Tara’s Most Worn – Summer 2019 post of last week.  It not only had me looking at what I had been wearing, but also stirred the above thoughts on perfume rotation.

What Exactly is Heavy Rotation for a Perfumista?  CQ’s Summer Scents.

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Villanelle’s Vero’s


Val the Cookie Queen


Well hello there.

I had not planned to write anything more about Vero Profumo.  However I had a message last week from someone asking me what I thought was Vero´s best work; something  I have been asked this many times over the years.  I never answered it, as there is obviously no correct response.  “Best work” is a a different question to the “what is my favourite Vero?” question,  another one that I am often asked.  I cannot answer the favourite question as whatever Vero I happen to be wearing is my favourite at that given moment.   And despite there being no factual reply to the original question, I do have an answer.   So what is her best work?

Villanelle’s Vero’s

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Esxence 2019. Heading to Milan.


Val the Cookie Queen



I am heading to Milan for the Esxence – The Scent of Excellence 2019 international event, dedicated to artistic perfumery.  (artistic perfumery – covers a lot of stuff  – hahahahaha) Blondeswonder is coming with me as my professional carer, or manager, depending which way you want to look at it.   We are gonna get the night train down to Milan.  We are  way excited for this as we both love trains, but neither of us have ever had a sleeper cabin, or whatever they are called.  We leave Salzburg at 22.00 and get into Milan at 09.00.  The train station is across the road from the hotel, and the hotel to the show is about a ten minute walk.   What am I gonna be doing?

Esxence 2019.  Heading to Milan.

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Friendship and Radio Break my Vero Profumo Silence


Val the Cookie Queen


Hey APJ.

“Perfume whispers to our noses, speaks to us intimately, makes connections with our thoughts.”    Jean-Claude Ellena 

I have found it quite difficult to wear Vero`s perfumes since she passed away in December.  I have done, but not felt comfortable with it, and so have left them in my Vero box.  This happens to be a huge Chanel box, which always made Vero laugh.  Unexpectedly this past week blew me right out of this mourning phase.


Friendship and Radio Breaks my Vero Profumo Silence

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My Perfume Wardrobe. Core Collection.


Val the Cookie Queen


Greetings Perfumistas

“I need to know what comprises your perfume wardrobe as I endeavor to bring mine back to a reasonable amount of bottles.”  Brigitte APJ Family Member

The above was in answer to a comment I made on Portia´s recent Saturday Question: Perfume Buying Rules.  I have a fairly small collection both for a perfumista and a blogger.  And I have spent some time gathering my thoughts as to why that is so.  After all, I am an absolute perfume junkie.

My Perfume Wardrobe.  Core Collection.

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The Electric Perfume Acid Test


Val the Cookie Queen


“She comes in colours everywhere, she combs her hair, she’s like a rainbow ..”  1967.  The Rolling Stones.

Hey Happy Trippers

Perfume is my drug of choice, these days at least.   As I was writing up my recent psychedelic special in Strange Tales Part II,  I got to thinking about what fragrances I consider as trippy.

Do colours smell?  Are they light, or dark, or sparkly?  Do they appear in layers?  Do they move?  Can you taste them?

The Electric Perfume Acid Test

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